
Does your daughter have a preference for gender specific clothing?

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Does she prefer wearing dresses, skirts, and more "girl clothes," does she prefer wearing jeans, shorts, and more "boy clothes," or is pretty even between what she likes to wear?




  1. Mine hates wearing dresses and skirts, but no boy would be seen dead in the trousers she likes! So it depends on what your definition of "boy clothes" is.

  2. My daughter (7) does not like to wear dresses but she does have an interesting sense of style.  She loves bright colors, some "flashy" and flowery stuff. She dislikes "preppy" clothes like polo shirts.  She still likes Disney princess clothes.   I try to get her to wear her brother's old sweats but I don't think she likes them very much.

  3. Both

  4. My 12-year-old daughter loves clothes, and considers herself a "girly-girl."   But her wardrobe mainly consists of jeans and tops.  On top, she often wears a polo shirt or t-shirt over a lacy cami that is longer than the top layer, so you can see the lace.   Once and awhile, she will wear a skirt to school, with leggings under it.   She's not crazy about dresses.

  5. My 16 yo is all about comfort so it is straight jeans and t-shirts for her with the plain shorts and capris in the summer.  Top that off with a pony tail and ballcap.  I actually cried when she got dressed for prom because I couldnt remember the last time had seen her in a dress.

    My other daughter is almost 11 and she is just the opposite from her sister.  She wears jeans but they have to be the fancy ones she would rather wear skirts or khakis.  Her summer wardrobe is all the cute plaids and pastels.  She has to have her hair fixed just right, earings to match the outfit shoes to match etc.  Where she gets it at I have no ideal because I am more like the oldest.

  6. My daughter prefers "girl cloths" for sure.  I think it's cute when little girls are tom boys.

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