
Does your dog ever hide your keys so you can't leave?

by  |  earlier

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My 18 month old Pekatese does. She knows the signs of me leaving, getting dressed, putting on makeup, etc. and she will get those keys every time.




  1. That is so cute, I love that. We had a boxer and used to travel a lot and whenever he saw the suitcases, he would go and sit in one of them! I think in his doggie brain he thought if he was in there he could go too! He was a great dog, Joey. We'll be together again someday.

  2. No, I keep them out of her reach..

  3. My dog, Abbey, used to eat my shoes.  I thought she did that so I couldn't go to work and leave her alone.  I found a new place for my shoes.  You need a new place for your keys.  lololol

  4. Thats so cute. I guess she really doesnt want to be alone. I guess you can try holding your keys.

  5. Haha.. Mine will sit by the door and block us, and as soon as we walk out the door, she sits on the couch and stares out the window. Sometimes she is still sitting their when we come back!

  6. thats so cute!!!!!! my dog doesnt do that. i think u shhould ask ur boss if u can bring ur dog a crate or something and put her there next to you. maybe even maybe ur dog may become all trained ad can be walking around ur job withouth no problems if u take her to trainting she already got the brains.


  7. no she can't get to them.  but when the phone rings, where ever she is, she comes running and will jump on me.  if i'm laying on couch, she will lay on me.  if i'm sitting, she gets in my lap and won't get down.  now she's only ten pounds, so it's not like i can't get her off.  but she feels like she's stopping me.

    i leave the tv on for her so if the tv goes off.  she goes ballistic as she knows she's going too.

  8. He's not that clever, thankfully XD

  9. No but that's sound adorable.  I keep everything like that out of his reach cause he eats EVERYTHING.  I never heard of a Pekatese...what does that look like?  

  10. just put your keys out of reach.  my dogs just look extremely pathetic and follow me around the house while i get ready.  its hard being barely awake and tripping over terriers and a lab.  keeps my sense of humor intact.  

  11. Hahahahhaha no, but thats cute. My grandma's dog would know when we're leaving by when we got our clothes on or make up or heard the keys and she would kinda block the door and bark and cry, lol. And then she KNEW the time my grandpa would come home from work and around the same time everyday she would go and wait by the garage door, she was cute, but had to be put down because of cancer/tumor :[

  12. Well mine wont hide the keys but they run off with my Cell Phone.

    It is horrible cause I cant find it unless you use the house phone, and they dont take it outside with them. (or its not dead).

    But they like anything that smells like me regardless. My shoes and anything else that they found.

    (I find all my stuff in their crates or in their beds)

  13. Where do you leave your keys...on the floor? How can a dog that size get your keys. Also, if you know she does that, put them out of her reach.

  14. No. I keep my keys out of there reach. My dogs wait by the door when i leave though.

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