
Does your dog play you like a fiddle?

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Lacie has a knack for knowing when I don't want to be pestered. Like..if I'm online doing homework, she'll whimper and whine until I give in and give her a bullystick just to entertain her for a few minutes. She only does that when I'm busy.




  1. yup, my dog will...

    1. buck my hand away from the keyboard

    2. bark when i play my instruments

    3. slip up on the bed when i'm not looking

    4. steal treats out of the cupboard (above the counter, don't ask)

    5. lay down and whine until you pet him

    6. slip his collar off to go check out those girl dogs...

    7. go for multiple car rides when he won't leave the car

    8. have run of the house (or go with us) when he refuses to go in his kennel, and then when we're not looking, steal the treats we put in there to bribe him..

    and much, much more.  he always ends up getting his way...

  2. Oh yeah.  Cubby could be sound asleep, so I'll start reading or getting on the computer, etc., and he'll get up, walk up to me and start giving kisses, because he knows I'll stop what I'm doing and pet him and pay him attention.  He plays all of us around here like a fiddle, he knows how to get what he wants out of just about everybody.  He's a total con man!

  3. My husband thinks they do. He's just overly annoyable (is that a word). Things that make him flip his lid, I hardly even notice. I bragged to soon about Eli not being a barker, though. He will drop his toy off right in front of me and bark non-stop for me to throw it. I won't as long as he is barking at me. He also barks at me then walks in a circle to let me know he needs to potty. I don't know where the barking at me came in to play, but, I've got to make it stop somehow.

    Do the bullysticks come caffeinated? I'm reallllllllllllly tired this morning.    :-(

  4. ah, I know what you mean...they do a little dance

    pounce on their front feet and the back feet look like they are walking on hot coal AND whimper with mouth shut...its funny with Ayla, her cheeks blow up!!!

  5. Answered this one just for you too... See how nice I am? :P

    I want to keep L&L...actually no, just throw me a bulls willy to keep me happy too. :)

    HA look --> Bulls Willy = Bully stick. Hahaha!

  6. When I'm working at home my Dobes will leave me alone as they know that I will not give them any attention until I'm ready to.

    However that doesn't mean that there wont be a few reminders which sometimes makes me think that they have trained me quite well to.

    Woof let me out to the garden

    Woof let me in

    Woof the water is stale

    Woof isn't it dinner/breakfast time (JJ will sit in his spot until he's fed, but I will not feed him on command!) ect

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