
Does your dog randomly check up on you?

by Guest64420  |  earlier

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It was amusing just now. One of our dogs, Zoey, came up the stairs and into the second living room (we live in an apartment type house) and comes straight to me, puts her front feet on the couch and puts her face close to mine and starts sniffing.

As soon as she was satisfied (I guess would be the term), she went right back downstairs with mom.

The cats (Three of them live with us) will randomly do that, too, but I think they want food more than anything. =p




  1. My dogs like to check up on me when I am on the toilet. I guess they know I am a captive audience at that time. Animals are wonderfully peculiar!

  2. my dog dose that too she come up to me and put her paw on my leg and  pats me it is so freaky but cute.(she is a german short haired pointer)

  3. My Great Dane is always checking up on me.  If I walk out of a room and am gone for longer than a couple of minutes she will come looking for me and then lay down by me.

  4. Sure, I've known dogs to do this from time to time. The most frequent time is just after a nap or sleep time. They wake, don't see you, apparently get a feeling of insecurity, and promptly go looking. Once they are satisfied the pack is still intact, they go back to doing whatever they do. My mom had a wonderful little half weimeraner who would do this when I came home on leave from the Navy. Cocoa, so named because of her perfect cocoa brown color, was NOT allowed up on the second floor and if I was upstairs, she would sit at the bottom of the stairs and whine until I came down. Of the 2 parents and 7 kids in my family, My mother and I were the only members favored with this treatment. It may have been that my mother and I were the only members of the pack she saw as dominant, who knows?

  5. My dog won't leave my side.  I think he has O.C.D.  

  6. lol thats cute.

    yes they do. they will do that. its a sign of loyalty and love.

    i have australian shepherds and they herd me around. =D

  7. Either your dog is being loyal and trying to protect you or he/she is scared and needs to know you are still there. My dog is a pitbull and he does this frequently. After a nap I believe he does it because he is afraid I went to work "with out saying bye or be good", but after he hasn't been laying with me for a while or he hears a sound, how ever small, he feels he needs to make sure "something" didn't get me. It is very common and normal for your pet to "check up on you" so don't worry they do nothing more then love you and respect you so long as you are a good owner (mommy or daddy lol)

  8. I'm jealous!!! I have a funny acting Peke (Sammy). He NEVER checks on me unless he hears a wrapper, THEN he high tails it to WHERE EVER I am and looks at me like he loves me so much.Only until I break him off a piece of what it is I'm eating. But before I do that, I grab him and give him the biggest kiss on the chops, and he looks as if to say, "yeah,yeah....just gimme what I'm standing here for so I can go back to what I was doing". Sad.

  9. haha so do mine!

    lucaunexpecdetly will hop in your lap scratch your feet, and he is CONSTANTLY  jumping up on my knees for me to pick him up.

    mollie is a sweet heart if im i my bed all day she will be by myfeet andlick my face to see if im alive shes adorable

    although since shes diagnosed with lymes disease shes been a little slow, but shes doing well enough to beat up lucas lol

  10. You might just smell like bacon....

  11. That sound just like my dog!! I'll be upstairs getting ready for bed and watching TV and my dog will be down stairs with my boyfriend and she'll come upstairs, jump in bed with me for a minute, cuddle,and then go back down stairs with him. Then, most of the time, she doesn't come to bed until he comes up too. But if I'm down stairs, she's all over me and acts like he's not even there. I don't know. Dogs are just very loyal and loving creatures I guess! But you gotta love em!!

  12. Can count on my dog to be sleeping almost 24/7..

  13. Yes they do check up on me and there is a good reason why many dogs do this. Dogs are by nature pack animals. All of the people and all of the animals in their home are considered members of the pack. When your dog follows you around it is because you are pack mates and when your dog searches you out and them moves on, it is because she just wants to be sure that everyone is accounted for. She may have heard or seen the other pack members and just had to be sure you were around as well.  

  14. All the time.  My shadow even does a "drive by" l*****g. She comes ownstairs, licks me and then goes back to bed.

  15. Yup. I've got a velcro dog. If he's sleeping and he hears me open a cabinet or lay down on my bed he pops up and has to see what I'm doing.

  16. Is she losing her hearing?  She might need to come visit you to know you're still there.

    Our dalmatian had bad vision to start with, bad enough that she couldn't identify people by sight, and when her hearing started to go too it got pretty confusing.  She didn't have a severe hearing loss, but enough that she had trouble figuring out where we were calling her from.

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