
Does your experiences match the results of a recent research study on women's sexuality?

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The title of the article is "Study Suggests Difference Between Female And Male Sexuality" and it finds that straight men get turned on by images of women and g*y men become sexually aroused by images of men. Duh-no news there. But when the researchers presented images to heterosexual women and lesbians: both tend to become sexually aroused by both male and female erotica, and the study implies that both have a "bisexual" arousal pattern. More accurately-the article says that "compared with men, women's sexual arousal patterns may be less tightly connected to their sexual orientation." One of the researchers suggests further: "Taken together, these results suggest that women's sexuality differs from men and emphasize the need for researchers to develop a model of the development and organization of female sexuality independent from models of male sexuality":

So women-what turns you on-male and/or female erotica?




  1. I can only speak for myself and I have to say that it doesn't apply to me. I'm straight and I've watched p**n and from time to time, a scene with two girls will appear in the movie. It didn't do anything for me. I get turned on by man-on-woman p**n. I'm sure the answers are going to be diverse and this is an interesting study. Though, I would want to know the ages and sexual orientation of the females in that study.

  2. female erotica for me . men are in the useless non-recyclable bin for me!

  3. This doesnt apply to me, I can get turned on by watching some male-female action but if its same s*x, forget about it. I get turned on by art & erotic literature but for me its more about the mind than it is about visual stimulation.

    Cheers :)

  4. I don't agree.

    The human body is beautiful, both male and female. But it is only the male body that turns me on. And only thin or muscular male bodies, the fat ones aren't attractive to me -- too soft, too feminine.

    I guess I'd get an absolute zero on the Kinsey scale.

  5. Sounds about right to me.  I was bi-curious for a while there, but I did eventually come to the conclusion that I am straight- mostly.  I do find both male and female centred erotica to be arousing.  And from what my female friends have said- this is true for all of us.

  6. That's really interesting - I always thought bisexuality was just as common in males and females, but that women are more open about it. Maybe women actually do have more of a tendency to want to experiment with the same s*x....

    I think it depends whether you're watching or reading erotica too; I've noticed that visually I prefer female, but I like to read both. I guess that's not surprising since I'm bisexual anyway and I find women more attractive... it makes you wonder how to define bisexuality, whether it can be just sexual or if there has to be an emotional connection as well.

  7. I thought you might like to read this, I don't know if it is relevant to your question but anyway.

    Please don't report this one, I thought my other answer was a good idea to solve the problem that everyone argues about on here.

    *Yeah, sorry I suppose it was a bit stupid to point the finger.

  8. i'd agree. i only watch soft p**n & it's not often (I'm against the degrading stuff). i do prefer to see males & females together and find both exciting.

    i think the idea that men are not s**y/erotic is said by those more interested in their own interests than that of women's --nobody has ever really asked us before, suggested we produce p**n together (men & women) or believed we could be marketed to. they just made assumptions and basically denied women's sexuality/dreams/fantasies, etc.  

    a lot more research will probably go into this area since g*y rights is opening up our ideas more widely.  not too long ago, guest stars were talking on a *morning show* about "flex s*x" (talk about progress!)  maybe there's something to it....

  9. I remember seeing this from a NY times article. The thing that I got is that some women supposedly are tuned on by sensuality more so and when aroused gender doesn't play into it. I guess there is a reason why the idea of women not making sense or being complex is related to s*x and women' s sexuality and as you can see right here is a prime example. Men's sexuality is very logical and mathematicl based. Whereas, women's sexuality is all over the place. Does this show that women's sexual orientation is more complex or does this indicate that women don't really have a sexual orientation and most are bisexual to some extent?

    Or the straightness coming more from emotional, non-physical attributes, therefore, sexual preference even when meshed with the physical is emotional related to desire for masculine/male attributes, than a man's physical form itself or the man himself physically. One would think the visual/physical would be the more sexual orientation based attraction, since putting it blunty, it is the physical after all, that makes a man a man and a woman a woman and the opposite s*x differentation. Certainly there's more to men and women, and men have attributes and characterists mentally and strengty wise, just as women, but women can act or think or some can be more manly or be just as strong and a man can be very effeminate and act like a woman and be physically weak and even think like a woman, but when you get down to it, even an effeminate looking man and a butch woman, will still look like the s*x they are and will still have the parts, thus the attraction mainly from that or least that is how it is for men, no questions asked. But then again, most girls I know would either not want to see L*****n p**n or be indifferent to it if watching it and finding straight s*x scenes more appealing, (not hard core p**n). I my faminly members and friends must be weird, but It seemed logicl in the sense of being straight and what you would think a straight woman would find attractive and not attractive.

    I didn't think straight women were into women's parts visually in the sexual way, so why would a straight woman be turned on by another woman eating another woman's p***y and sucking her ****? I know why I like it and it being the same reason why other straight men like and it is pretty obvious as well as a L*****n or bisexual chick, but if she is actually straight, you wouldn't think it would be arousing, because that would seem to go against the meaning of straight or perhaps begs the question. What makes women straight? if their sexuality is so fluid like this or not as set or defined as men's?

  10. Well i think i am a little intermediate on the Kinsey scale. I do fantasise about women often, more then men even but i do so, I think as I am a virgin and It is odd for me to fantasise about men  when I do not know what it feels like to have a man inside you and such. How could I possibly fantasise about that? With women it is just a physical sexual thing but the men I do like I fall deeply in love with and It is more connected to the emotional side of me. A man could break my heart, a woman never could. This is one of the major reasons I am a virgin as with men s*x becomes  a haven, a coming home, a peaceful retreat where he values and cares for my emotional well being and protects me in that sense. With women it is just fleshly desire!With women I am in the masculine assertive role but I like to be submissive to men when I am attracted to them!

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