
Does your faith permeate all facets of your life or does it live in only a small corner of it?

by Guest66558  |  earlier

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How fully a part of your life is your faith?




  1. Part and parcel of who I am.

  2. I let facts permeate all facets of my life and live in it all.

  3. hmmmm as the Famous St Francis has said before:

    Preach the Gospels always, speak only when necessary.

    That is how I try to live my faith, as a part of living day in and day out.  No separation, just what you see is what you get, faith and all.

  4. Thank god, faith is not a part of my life.  I prefer logic to permeate all facets of my life, thankyouverymuch.

  5. My religion is who I am and informs everything I do. I refuse to call it a "faith," because I don't have to have faith in my religion. It is all around me all the time, I can feel it with all my senses. There is no mystery about it, it is real and tangible.

  6. There was a time when my faith as well as my religion sat on a shelf till i would take it down and dust it off..i don't know maybe because i'm older and trying to get into heaven but the closer i am to God and the more i allow Him into my daily life the more i see him around me.  its really great it makes me more aware of my surroundings and of the other souls i encounter in my life.  i think i get more out of life for it.  Good question!  God Bless.  

  7. It dominates my very existence on this earth.  

  8. I try to live and breathe and talk and walk Christ. I try to keep my faith as high as I can get it. The Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So I read and read and read.

  9. most

  10. I don't know.

    I don't see a separation, but I don't agree with being obnoxious about my faith.

  11. my religion is islam and i believe in it but i don't always follow it

    it is to complecated  

  12. corner

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