
Does your faith stop you from doing things you would like to try?

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Does your faith stop you from doing things you would like to try?




  1. Never did.  Not once.  The flesh always took over.  On the bright side, I do not feel like I have missed out on anything.

  2. isn't that the point?  

    bb )O( STB

  3. No, I don't really want to try killing anyone.

  4. yupp.

    if i wasn't a beliver, i'd be a h**l raiser.

  5. What, like Defying God?

  6. nope.  why?

  7. No because Catholics are forgiven for their sins if they say sorry before they die - thats why the mafia are catholic!

  8. no....Christan or not I will not jump out of a perfectly good airplane!!

    Being a Christian has helped me to understand WHY my tummy was so unhappy and I was sick all the time...eating unclean is very unhealthy...

    the dietary laws are common sense for health that would be a good idea for everyone....

  9. Not at all.

    I've accomplished all the things I've wanted to do in life, like go to England, get married to a beautiful lady, have a wonderful kid, be an a movie (even if it was a z-grade horror movie) and I did all those things after I became a Christian. (Well, I was raised in it but left. I found out I never really knew Christianity).

    I honestly can't see how being an atheist would improve my life. Evolution? I already believe in that. Now I can get a job as an Evolutionist. lol!

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