
Does your family celebrate 4th of July or any other holiday with an "original" ritual or rituals?

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A tradition that solely pertains to your folks and you? How old is this "family's custom? How did it all begin?




  1. What's an original ritual for July 4th...Declaring war on Britain?

    Sure, we declare war on Britain every July 4th and have been doing so for the last 213 years...

    Edit: Hey, I read the question; I just thought it was stupid!!  It was a joke, I see you have no sense of humor.

  2. I don't think the Fourth of July could be called a "Ritual" as in celebrating a holy action like in Church.

       The fourth of July, that was celebrated by the revolutionary colonists also if you didn't already know that, was for the freedom of the Nation and the relieving of the taxes the British were putting on the people.

       So, in fact the Fourth of July is a way to celebrate the Birthday of the United States of America and it's fight for freedom and Independence from the British, the long war that took place and all those that died for our freedom.

       We, in our family honor that and celebrate our own warriors that are in the family, both in the past and present, that have served their Country valiantly, too many to mention in all the services.

  3. The oldest child gets to put the angel or star on the Christmas tree.When we have Easter egg hunts,whoever finds the white egg(that has no dye on it)gets a prize.Which could be money or something else(but most of the time the prize is 25.00).That ritual started when one of the eggs was left uncolored and was put out anyway.

  4. I had a man in my neighborhood when I was younger who is a former Marine. He would yell " Happy Birthday America" and tell his kids how happy he was that his children grew up in America.

    Tonight, my children yelled "Happy Birthday America" as the adults put flame to fireworks. I have to say as a parent and a U.S. Sailor, the best part was watching the little ones get so excited and tell all of the adults factoids of U.S. history.

    I informed all the kids that I was so happy that they had the chance to grow up in The United States of America.

    I also grew up working in a fireworks store.

  5. 4th of july is not a holiday for me

    but, anyway, the answer would be no, we do not have any special tradition for any holiday

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