Two weeks ago I woke up at 3 am to some people screaming outside of my house. I peeked out the window to see the house across the stress from me in flames. There was only 1 man that lived there with 4 of his dogs and everyone got out safely except for one dog. I see this man’s house every day and it breaks my heart. And I can’t get out of my mind that if those two punk kids weren’t walking by at that hour, this man MAY have died in the fire. He very well could have died. They most likely saved his life….
So of course, since we have a 2 yr old in the house, my mind has been going crazy. I couldn’t sleep the other night because our smoke detector isn’t hooked up. Because it goes off every 2 seconds with even the slightest of smoke (or burnt toast). And of course now since seeing that fire, it has me freaked out. Seeing how quickly the fire in this man’s house spread and how little smoke it takes to cause breathing problems, I told my husband to hook up the smoke alarm immediately. And it got me thinking…
How many of you check the batteries in your alarms like you’re supposed to? How many of you have working alarms? Do you check them? Have you discussed family safety in the event a fire was to take place? Escape routes for your kids? Meeting points?
I know I’m very guilty and don’t do any of this. But since the fire across the street, you better believe I’ll be more aware. It could happen to any one of us!
So I’m curious about other families….your thoughts?