
Does your guilt follow you?

by  |  earlier

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Like even things that you know you shouldn't feel guilty for?

In 1st grade i slammed a door on a girl's thumb because she was making fun of my friends

and she started crying

i still lay awake at night

shes probably forgotten about it

does this happen to anyone else?




  1. No.  Talk to someone and get past this do not let it destroy you


  3. Yes, omg you have no idea. Things I did in middle school, like steal some girls gym shorts because I didnt have mine and wanted to look like "everyone" else,..still haunts me at night. Why I have no freakin clue. I have grown since then, I am a more honest person and have morals and values,....but I still think about those times,...and poor carolyn when she saw her shorts on me instead,...........

  4. No.

    When I do something it's only because the person deserved it.

  5. Yes, not with a lot of things. But there was one time: I was 12 and in the downstairs fellowship hall of our church at an ice cream fellowship. I was sitting near a married couple I knew pretty well, for a 12 y/o's knowledge. There were kids running everywhere and parents walking around mingling. I asked this couple did they have any kids. They kinda looked at each other and said no with a little cracked smile...a little dead air...and big mouth me said with a big smile, "You know how I can tell you don't have any kids? You're not running around after them telling them to sit down!" They didn't smile, he glanced over to her as she was looking down at the floor. Then she quickly looked up and said "excuse me" and walked off quickly out of the room. He took a half a second watching her and did the same.

    That moment has run and rerun in my mind many times. Maybe she couldn't have children or had lost one...or more. I felt horrible. It made me more aware and cautious of my words and the effect they can do.

    They had moved away and I had the rare opportunity of running into them at another church my family was going to. They had become missionarys. I apologized and, of course, they said they didn't remember the incident.

  6. Yes.Its normal for that to happen you just sometime wish you hadn't done it.Like I once got in trouble for call one of my friends stupid.Now were best friends.

  7. um.  No I guess It doesnt.

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