
Does your hcg level have to be at 0 before u ttc after miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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I think im about over the miscarriage im bairly bleeding and want to try asap but i was just wondering can i try as soon as i stop bleedind all together or does it have to be when my hcg is at 0




  1. I'm sorry for your loss. You can try again at any time. It usually takes 1-8 weeks for hCG to leave your system, its different w/ every woman, and also depends how much was in your system to begin with. Best of luck to you.

  2. I'm really glad you asked this question cause thats what I was wondering too(sorry I don't know the answer) but I too had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago, and I too plan to try to get pregnant as soon as I can. But like that girl said that if you had a D&C then you might have to wait a little longer. I had to get the D&C done as well, and that doctor told me to wait 3 months, but this week I have an appointment with MY doctor and I'm definitely going to request that I have my hcg levels checked, and for him to explain the results with me. Because that was my problem with my pregnancy, hcg levels kept dropping, bleeding for a week and a half. Just talk to your doctor first, and make sure you get a blood test, and have him explain to you what the results mean. Good luck :)

  3. No-one's hCG is zero. But non-pregnant women are always under 5. If your doctor has said you can TTC again, then you may start whenever you like; if there was a D&C or a complication, then take the doc's advice on when to start again. Personally, I would be sure to take an HPT around the time you think you're ovulating, to establish when the hCG has dropped below 25mIU/hCG. That way you'll have a 'baseline' for testing for pregnancy again. Good luck!!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.... i had a miscarriage in march, and my last Hcg was taken a month before i got pregnant again, and it was 0.6, i don't think anyone is ever zero completely, but i think u have to be pretty close, especially after a miscarriage because any residual left from the last pregnancy will prevent u from getting pregnant, or even ovulating. I had a D&C though, so that may have helped.... Good luck to you...

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