
Does your horse's personality resemble your's?

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Mine does! Ellie is defiant, and really stubborn but can be the sweetest and the best friend in the world!! What about your horse(s)? Do they resemble your personality?




  1. Yes they both definatly do!

    Bennie is young, spunky, athletic and playful...he trys really hard to do things right...and he has very high expectations and gets frusterated with himself if he cant do it right.

    Duke is very laid back and silly. He is a total lovebug and likes to please.

  2. OH MY !

    I hope Not !!!!!!!!

    He's....ummm..  Not too bright sometimes !

    Ohhhhhh Nooooo!

  3. My horse and I like to play tricks on each other and other barn workers. My horse's latest trick (I'm not too crazy about it) is pretending to go for some grass by your foot and biting the cuff of your jeans and throwing his head up, taking your leg with it and sending you head over heels. In return, I move his food bucket when he's not looking so he has to search for it lol.

  4. Hmm....

    Stevie is the most laid back horse you could care to meet, and will happily let an articulated lorry drive straight past him while he's tied up on the yard having a bath (this has happened when the yard owner was moving in!). However, you'll have to peel him off the ceiling if he passes a leaf that wasn't there yesterday. He protests half-heartedly at a lot of things; the dentist, doing something he doesn't want to when being ridden, being brought in when he'd rather stay out but just gives up when he realises it's achieving nothing. He doesn't waste energy on a lost cause, and loves cuddles. He secretly wishes he was 16.2cm instead of 16.2hh so that he could curl up infront of your fire, or sit on your lap. His motto is "....tommorow will do"

    Rocky, on the other hand, is neurotic. He worries about that leaf that wasn't there before and then has to analyse it's presence; he needs to know why it's there, when it appeared, when it will leave and what its done since its been there. He tolerates the dentist, farrier, clippers etc. but is constantly on guard at all times for horse-eating objects. Rocky has asked me to warn you all of the horse-eating objects present in everyday life:

    1) Lions in trees

    2) Lions in bushes

    3) Paper bags blowing in the wind (they have teeth)

    4) Cyclists (they are the devil)

    5) Tigers in trees

    6) Tigers in bushes

    7) Things with teeth that masquerade as rocks

    8) Things with teeth that masquerade as trees (often with lions and tigers in)

    9) Pigeons, particularly the ones that live in the indoor arena

    10) Everything else

    So, I'm sort of in the middle!!!!

  5. My Arab mare and I are way too much alike. We love each other but don't always get along well because we're so similar. We're both reserved and cautious and sometimes have trouble being carefree and having fun. Thats where my TB gelding comes in. He's a social butterfly and is bold and doesnt have a care in the world. We both love him so much and get along with him great. He can be frustrating sometimes but he's just what we both need. I guess its true when they say opposites attract.

  6. Let me think about this -

    Falco is usually pretty easy going, probably the easiest to catch, no hassle to tack up etc. But he is impatient - doesn't like to be kept waiting and standing around. He gets fidgetty and grumpy if he has to wait. He doesn't like to be messed about with but if he's handled confidently it's not a big deal ( we have a slight problem with the farrier's apprentice on that one).

    He hates to be ignored - if you're near to him then you should be paying attention to him.

    If he gets an idea in his head it's difficult to persuade him to change his mind and the argument can become quite -animated.

    Yes, I think we fit quite well.

  7. lol...I think so. Mine guys are laid back  like I am =)

  8. it depends on how i feel that day as to which horse i pick,i have one that is a little shy but puts his head into work,one that is pushy and headstrong and one that is downright mean but is like riding a caddy on cruise control.

  9. No one of my horses resembles my personality completely, but they all share some of my traits.  My TB likes to look really innocent and charming right before he bites you!!  He only bites people that he really like though, and that is like my tendency to pick on and tease my friends.  My overo mare secretly likes attention and to be loved on, but she pretends like she hates it!  That is me too!!  I want to know that someone wants to love on me, I just don't want to be hung on all the time.   I like try to embody some of the good traits that my horses have, like my quarter horse's eager positive attitude, and my SB paint's peaceful adoration of those that she loves.  I think that there is always something that we can learn from our horses!

  10. My horse is very much like me, that is why i bought her. She has much spunk to her, she can be obnoxious, she is a little uneasy at first but once she gets your trust she will give you her all. She loves goin fast, she gets a little nervous when surrounded by a huge group of people, she likes doing things her way. She is very much a lover but will fight if she has to.

  11. its scary how similar me and my horse my, we constantly share the same emotions, and if I'm having an issue with his training i just have to think of myself and how I would understand it, and then i can get him to do it..

    we share the same oddities and everything.. even my trainer, friends, parents, and barn mates talk about how similar we are..

    The biggest thing we do that is similar is in a stressful situation, a fall, a spook, an attack, anything really we both respond quickly and well, and then loose ALL (i mean ALL) of our energy, and don't even have the ability to walk let alone think.

    Also, if we do something wrong  (he knocks a pole, i fudge a stride or cue) we get SUPER angry, and try TWICE as hard to get it done right (and we usually do) but then if we continue to not get it we both shutdown (not good when working on something difficult, though i have timed it so that i have a few minutes on him, so i can keep working for a little while after hes shutdown which has helped our training immensely)

    I was lucky enough to find "that horse" the once in a life time one as my first owned horse, but got knows i went through LOTS of them to get to him

  12. my horses (when i had them) did have points that were closer to mine. . . my quater horse had my stubborn/ lets go for it side.

  13. Oh dear, considering the battle we had tonight, quite possibly. I'd have a hard job deciding who got sweatier.

    Stubborn old ginger dragon !

  14. actully I am the exact oppistie of two of my three horses. My third is rebelious, goofy and stuborn like me! my others are calm, responsive, and easy going.

  15. lol, now that i think about it, YES!!! She is strong willed, hyper sometimes, calm others, is LOUD, likes to be scratched, loves kisses on the nose, carries her head high, her tail up, and is proud to strutt her stuff! She loves to be active,so jumping is the sport for her! Even tho she is a purebred quarter horse who was bred for racing, she is sort of chubby sometimes (although im not!) so that is our only differnce. she is only fat during the harsh Alberta winters, when she really needs the extra body heat. but we both LOVE to eat! She is also the most affectionate horse Ive ever known! She actually lets you kiss her nose and she just wants to cuddle all the time, most of the time when i go to work her i end up spending half of the time talking and singing to her, and snuggling of course! She is the dominant mare, just like me! Wwe both like o be in charge! oh, and she is smart like me! I am in grade 7 (entering 8 this year) and all of my marks are above 85%! Oh, and Dot is very smart because she found out how to let herself out of her pasture! She bites the chain with her teeth, lifts it out of the link, and pulls it back through itself and then pushes the gate open! Crazy! We now have to keep a clip on the chain so she cant do that anymore!

  16. Definetly.  My pony is cute when he wants to be, but is also extremely stubborn.  He likes being active, and jumping and going fast (cantering or faster), but he doesn't much like walking or trotting.  He also likes to sleep if there's nothing else to do.  He doesn't mind being with people, and he likes learning.  He also is easily amused, but easily bored.  We're a lot alike.....  :)  He's really cute though!

  17. omg definatly!

    we both are:





    but we both tick too..

    what i mean is no body step all over us.. we test people and each other.. can they really handle us? are we the heard leader? how can we become the alpha? will people give in to this or this or ( ect. ) were testers! lol. but we also are.. well i don't really know the word.. free and exciting? when we go out together we gallop bareback and stop in a place where no one can find us.we get mad and disagree. we have to be taught through repeatance and it takes awhile to get our full trust. i don't know. .everytime my horse does something i see it in me... kicking or nuzzling, biting, obeying.. you know? i think the more your with a horse the more you understand, respect and are alike...

  18. Yes, it is certainly possible.

    The most probable reason being; You are certainly most likely to buy the horse that has a personality to match your own.

  19. mare is the dominant mare and we share alot of the same 'views' on life...

    I decide when we are going to eat...after all, I do the cooking!

    I decide if we are going somewhere and when...after all, I have the keys and the car!

    I like to go places...but I don't actually like getting going.  Once I'm on my way, it's all good.  She doesn't like to be caught to ride...but once we're on our way...she likes to go.

    Of course...we'd both rather sit in the shade than do work

    She doesn't take any garbage off her pasture mate...haha, kinda like a wife and husband...  :)

    If she or I are grumpy...EVERYBODY knows it!

    Once we both start a job...we do our best...and don't quit until it's done.

  20. no not at all.

  21. Yes.

    A few weeks ago i got my mare Candy. I definitely think her personality matches mine. She's smart, very aware of her surroundings, kind, goes out of her way to protect her loved ones, confident, social, loves getting dirty, wet, and muddy.

    i love her to death and i think we were a match made in heaven.

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