Okay, i only get to see my horse on the weekends, but when i do see her, we go for rides(which she loves), i give her treats, full grooming, i clean her pen, and i feed her. i got to ride her for a longer time today, and she just loved it! prancing and stepping high, and her ears were forward. my sister wanted to ride her, and my sister is inexperienced, so i held onto the reins and led my sister around while she was on my horse, Daisy. I decided to give the reins to my sister, and Daisy knew this, and i told my sis to make her go forward.Daisy wouldnt do it. i told her to give her a little nudge with her foot, she still would not budge. so then i started walking, and Daisy began following me. i ran ahead a little bit, and then i stopped about 20 feet away, and Daisy went up right to me, and stopped. she would not listen to my sister, and my sister was trying really hard to make her go forward and trying to turn her, pulling on her mouth to make her turn, and stuff like that. she just would not listen. if i moved one foot, Daisy would walk with me, tuen with me, and stop whin i stopped, and i wasnt even on her.
sorry for the story being so long, but does this mean that Daisy is starting to like me or see me as a herd leader?
thank you everyone!!
sorry again!