
Does your house have locks on the bedroom doors?

by  |  earlier

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also, do you think locks on bedrooms are a good idea or a bad idea?

I dont see how they could be a bad idea but my mom is dead set against them.




  1. Well, I do. It is nice to have for privacy, but as a safety precaution, they have a special key.

  2. Yes but they are cheesy.Bedroom doors can be easily breached with or without a lock.

  3. Yes, they are special bathroom passage locks that have a small hole in the outside k**b that allows the door to be unlocked with a small round key. Actually any small round object that will fit through the hole will unlock the door by just pushing it in.

    They are available at most hardware stores. Just ask for a bathroom door passage set.

  4. Yes because we want privacy which she obviously is against you having.

  5. I have a lock on my bathroom door which are a good idea when it come to privacy. But on the other hand a small child could be locked in by not knowing how to open a locked bathroom door.

  6. Only my parents have one.

    Is it a bad idea? not really, unless your a trouble kid who would do s*x drugs and s**t inside ur room.

  7. its probably because she might think your doing bad things on the other side of door..

    drugs, s*x, etc.

    thats my dads reasoning but i have locks on my door now.

    i dont even use so much..

  8. We have always had locks on the bedroom doors.  Our two girls could go in their rooms and be assured of privacy.  I think every child deserves a private room.

    We also had a lock on our door, too.  Parents need privacy also.

    We trusted our kids and they turned out great.

  9. No. I would consider that as a big time fire hazard.

  10. We do.

  11. no

  12. No locks.  Only on the bathroom and outside entrance doors.  Don't think they are necessary.  When a family is together you should all have enough respect for each other to value their space.  If a bedroom door is closed for privacy then respect that and if you want something, knock first. Someone locking themselves in a bedroom kinda gives the impression you are hiding something.  

  13. there is a lock on my bedroom door but not my sons

  14. When we moved into the house we did when I was a kid, my bedroom door had a lock that could only be opened without a key *from the outside*.

    It always made me wonder what was wrong with the people who lived there before we did.

    Locks would be appropriate for a master bedroom, but not for a room with younger children.  For teenagers, get the kind that can be opened by pushing  a pin into the handle, if you have teenagers who want to avoid being disturbed.

  15. I have a lock on my bedroom door that I put on myself, lol. I think it's great. That way people can't just walk in whenever they want. My mom was against it too.

  16. yes I do on all of them and bathroom. people just don't knock enough for me.

  17. usually in houses bedroom doors dont have locks except for the parents bedroom for obvious reasons. your mom probably just uses the excuse like what if you bump your head while your sleeping and blah blah blah. but really its just so you cant hide anything from your control freak mom

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