
Does your husband get angry or remain calm when you disobey him?

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Does your husband get angry or remain calm when you disobey him?




  1. my boyfriend will NEVER ever tell me what to do so i will NEVER EVER disobey him. i have a mind of my own thank you very much and we have a open and honest relationship where we communicate. if your hubby is getting pissed cuz you "disobey" his "orders" time to seek counseling or a divorce

    EDIT: wtf??? thumbs down??? no man should ever give any woman orders and demand her to obey them...same for the woman. its called mutual respect. if she is afraid for her life where he is getting verbally or physically abusive...she NEEDS to get OUT!!!!

  2. My husband and i are friends and our relationship is a bit different i guess to other marriages. I never have to ask him if i can do things or buy stuff and him with me. We do discuss budgets and other important things but we would laugh at each other if either 1 of us expected the other one to obey a command. He is not my father and i would hate it if i had to obey anything he said and vice versa!

  3. He's use to it since I don't take orders.

  4. Seriously, you just wanted to get a male-bashing session started. Today's women (western culture anyway) don't even want men to be bread-winners anymore let alone obey them. This question is a complete joke.

  5. uhhh disobey?? Please...if he ever expected me to obey him hed have more problems to worry bout, like where to get the ice for his black eye.... i truly hope you arent saying yours expect you to obey....

  6. im sorry, what year are we in?  

  7. disobey? Mariage is a partnership. I don't believe in obeying anyone....I believe in respecting others...but the word obey makes me think of a child or a dog.

    I'm an adult.  

  8. My husband doesn't expect me to "obey" him. We respect each other and ask for things but don't demand them. Does your husband obey you? Try mutual respect. It works wonders.

  9. oh my dear you dont have to obey your hubby its not the dark ages if he is bad get rid of him

  10. My husband doesn't own me. So I couldn't possibly disobey him.

  11. Depend on the subject and extent of disobedience.

  12. Don't know what's the original "command" that your husband expects from you, thus difficult to gauge.

  13. DISOBEY???  sorry, WHAT???

  14. Obey? Unless you're a dog I don't think that you should have to obey anything he says.

  15. *cringes at the word 'disobey'*

    Good gawd. One could only hope that you simply worded that wrong.  

  16. First off, It sounds to me that there are some relationship issues going on....There should be no obeying. A marriage should be about compromise and honoring wishes... but obeying? It sounds like a prison. if you have a husband who considers it disobedient when you do something he dislikes he most likely has a mentality that women are inferior. i don't think that sounds like a healthy relationship at all.

  17. what sort of orders to you get from your husband that he expects you to obey ???

  18. My husband doesnt tell me what to do and I would never be with someone who did. My husband and I are mature, responsible adults who respect each other. Maybe you need to rethink the situation you're in.  

  19. uhhh, "disobey"!!!!!!!  OMG, if you "disobey" him, run away, run fast as you can.

  20. No...but I am ready to kung fu fight when he disobeys me....SERIOUSLY...Our marriage doesn't work because I "obey" my husband...we have mutual respect for one another...and there is no expectations of either one obeying the other....

  21. Disobey? I'm ma grown adult. The whole concept of that is completely foreign to me.

  22. I don't have a husbands i just have some boyfriends and times i prefer to be by myself but I'm sure that if i chose to marry someone he should get a little attitude and get over it but if he gets to angry I'm going to be throwing punches every where.

  23. what kind of marriage have you?

    i would get really angry if you disobeyed me /you should know your place  and it is in the kitchen and to be compliant in bed.

    seriously if you have to ask that you dont have a marriage .you have something much worse

  24. Disobey?  I'm not his child or dog.

  25. Disobey? He's my husband, not my dad.

    Sometimes one of us will get mad if the other doesn't do something they were supposed to do. That's marriage. You deal with it and move on.

  26. Man, I can't wait to see the responses to this one.

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