
Does your husband wake u up in the night when u r asleep?

by Guest55575  |  earlier

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Does you husband wakes you up by touching and etc when u r completely sleeping in the middle of the night? Even I have asked him not to do this, he has done that again. I don't want a disturb sleep. But he says 'I wont understand'...what the h**l. Does your husband do this too?




  1. I sleep really poorly so I'm always tired and hoping for at least one good nights sleep every once in a while so when my husband wakes me up in the night it really seems inconsiderate and hurts my feelings terribly since he knows I don't sleep well and my lack of sleep is having a negative effect on my overall health yet he does it nonetheless..makes me feel like my well being isn't important to him.  

  2. Hes just horny. Stop neglecting him..Put him to sleep then you'll be happy hes not  bothering you in the middle of the night? He loves YOU. At least hes rubbing on you and not on another woman like some of these other b******s...

  3. YES!!! And it drives me CRAZY!!! I have asked him a million times not to do this but he does it anyways. Then wonders why im so grumpy in the morning. Well if i could sleep more than four hours id be better!!!   DUH!!!

  4. Sure does..... Every am.....

    I explain to him that it's hard for me to fall asleep or even stay asleep, but he does it anyway......

  5. My ex did that all the time, demanding attention.  He would even wake me in the middle of the night to argue.  After a while he started rolling over and punching me because I was sleeping and he was pissed about something.  He expected to have s*x 24/7/365 and didn't care how I felt.  Good luck.

  6. No, never does bother me while i'm sleeping. He lets me rest and don't want to bother me cause he knows i need to sleep ! I had a boyfriend once that did that and I got mad when he woke me up by touching me in one place and i told him never do that again ! I was asleep and it didn't benifit me any if i was sleeping !  

  7. No, But I wake him up in the middle of the night.

    If I have a bad dream for some reason hugging him makes me feel better.

    Is he touching for s*x? Or just touching cuddling?

    I think you should talk to him about it more.  

  8. No.  

  9. Yes.. and it is very disrespectful to be touched in that way when you ask someone not to...even if he is your husband.  He should respect your wishes and your body.  If he doesn't respect you, then what do you have?  No relationship can stand without respect.

    Some men feel we are "obligated" to put out because we married them.  Not so, we are entitled to rest and good health and equal enjoyment of the marriage including s*x.

    I even obliged a few times, but, he still wasn't satisfied, because I was too tired and "not into it."

    If a man disrespects you like this, think of what other sexual ways he might disrespect you (cheating, etc.).

    Bottom line: Talk to him about it and if he doesn't feel the need to give it to you out of love and consideration - take your respect.  Say no and make him leave the room or you go sleep in another room.  You are obligated and it is your right to respect yourself first.

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