
Does your local pub/club/bar cafe have any local eccentrics who frequent on a regular basis?lol?

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does your local have any?




  1. just the guy with his pants around his ankles singing to a broken jukebox.

  2. LoL! He's my uncle ;)

  3. there used to be one guy nicknamed 'the animal' he was a crazy dude. In at 11am and really hard to get out at closing time!! also there is this freaky short dude about 100yrs old who trys to get freaky with all the ladies of maidstone!!

  4. God yes!!There are loads of nutters round in the pubs where we live!!

  5. yeah me!!!

    har de hardy har!!

    nah. there is this bloke called alfie who is about 70-odd and randomly bursts into elvis songs(very very loud) whenever he feels like it, but he has no teeth and sounds pretty much like he is whistling!!

    it's well annoying but wierldy 'good' when you are pisshed!!!

  6. Lots and lots and lots x In fact all of them, thats why I don't drink in there! lol x

  7. Eccentricity is very British!

    You should find eccentrics everywhere, are you one? Like attracts like.

  8. YES!


  9. That's funny!

    Sorry, ??

    I don't go to pub's or bar's bluebudgie.

  10. Now that I'm a mature don't go to pubs anymore. However when I was younger and maybeeee shouldn't have been in a pub..there was an old boy they called 'Floss'. He was a grand old gent and he always had his ferret in his jacket pocket..friendly little thing too. Floss used to have a pint and then go rabbiting. Mind you..this was years ago.

  11. hi blue, you can always tell the regulers

  12. In my local the "normal" people stick out a mile. The place is full of ludhers

  13. My whole TOWN has them


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