
Does your man have tourettes? (mine does)?

by  |  earlier

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My friends think I'm nutz to date someone with tourettes.. but I dont care what they think, most of them are just out for looks. His tourettes is noticeable if you don't look past it like me. His facial twitches, and arm jerks, and his nuckle cracking. Wondering if any other girl out there is having that in their relationship, and how they are coping with it.




  1. i think that is so awesome that you are with him that shows that your not shallow i just had to tell you that

  2. I'm not in a relationship with anyone with tourettes, but I'm very happy that you can look past his disorder. :) Everybody has SOMETHING wrong with them, lol, so tell your friends that if they don't like it then they don't have to hang out with him!

  3. i just answered a question from a guy who's gf has tourettes. its awesome that your not shallow. i know what its like to sudden twitches and everyone think your so different. i have a condition that causes tremors and convulsions similar to tourettes spasms. its great that there are people like you in the world and as for your so called friends, they are the ones with issues. your not nuts to be dating him. a persons health problems have no effect on who they are. you like him for who he is, not what he has to deal with. i dont understand how some people can be cruel to anyone with any type of medical condition. one of my friends has tourettes and it makes life difficult enough for him dealing with the sudden jerks and twitches. some people are heartless and dont realize that they are only making someones already difficult life, even more difficult. im glad your not letting your guys medical issues enter into your relationship.  

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