
Does your martial art experience help you see the truth in this statement.?

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Everybody's got a plan until the get punched in the mouth.

--Mike Tyson




  1. That's why you should train to hit first!

    The best defense is a good offense.  The reverse is not true.

  2. yep thats an old military adage "no plan lasts beyond the first  shot"

  3. Let's just use Martial Arts to avoid dental injury, shall we?

  4. I tend to disagree with that statment in regards to self defense, at least the way we train it in our school. In self defense more then likely you are not going to see the first shot or the attack coming, and even if you do, all there is time for is reaction. So in that sense I wouldn't even have agame plan, just reaction, which as stated above is why we train things over and over, so that they become a part of us and can happen without thought. The best self defense they tell me I ever di in one of my testings I honestly can't tell you what I did.

    If you are talking about sparring or a match in the ring then yes I do agree with that statement.

  5. Once the battle starts the 1st thing to go down the tubes is "THE PLAN"

    Realistic training and sparring helps in overcoming the pain shock and fear..

    If someone tells you they have been in a fight and can describe every move they made in detail they were either fighting a human punching bag or they are full of s**t.

  6. Yes.

    When I started muay thai, we did alot of drills, years ago I sparred a friend of mine for the first time.

    I had good technique, my cardio was great, but when we started sparring I had a crude wake-up call. My friend had already a couple of muay thai fights under his belt (he competed locally and the national), he was very good, great technique, my height, but about 40 lbs lighter, I thought I could use my weight to my advantage.

    He started connecting at will, punches, kicks, knees, you name it! I could not land ONE SINGLE freakin' punch! I was only able to push and clinch, but he would escape almost right away.

    i didn't take muay thai for about a month, I felt humilliated! then I just started sparring more. Today i can hold my own against pretty much anybody in class.

    I agree with Iron Mike Tyson 100%

  7. Panic is the issue not pain, not doubt.

    Yes training is well and good but when you let our minds panic that is is when you forget the plan.

  8. "Does your martial art experience help you see the truth in this statement.?"

    You're assuming the statement is blanketly true. 1.) Having a plan gets you killed. 2.) Getting punched in the mouth does not change the severity of the situation.

    Simply: Don't care. Be prepared to die and new doors open to you. Desire to live only for the sake of living, and you become too focused and will fail.

  9. that statements true whether you practice martial arts or not...

    that doesnt mean that a martial artist who gets punched wouldnt respond effectively, because most would stick to their plan or have the skills and technique to try and defend...but getting hit hard in a fight changes everything...ive caught inadvertant elbows and fists while rolling and sparring and if it hits hard enough it can shake you for a if someone is trying to take your head off...and they connect with a punch that hurts but doesnt knock you out, chances are your mind and thoughts will immediately change and more adrenaline will kick in for protection....whether you respond the right way or not....

  10. the best martial artists dont have a plan. as katana said its pure reaction.i also agree with iron mike

  11. That is why you train over and over again, so that when you need it your instincts take over.

  12. LOL thats very true. Until the first punch is thrown, you have no idea what is going to happen. And then once it happens , then you get to decide on how to react.

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