
Does your medicaid expire when you turn 18?

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Do you have to reapply or something? Do you keep the same PCP




  1. any reason you can't get a job and pay for your own insurance?

  2. You qualify for medicaid up to the age of 18 through your parents. After the age of 18, you must meet the eligibility requirements on your own. Some states require that you are disabled (according to the federal disability guidelines) and some do not. But you must still meet the income guidelines to qualify. Google your state and medicaid to find out what your state's requirements are.

  3. It all depends on what state your in. Some states have it to where you can have it till you are out of school or age 21. But most will discontinue it at age 18. Unless you have chidlren of your own( and still meet income/resournce guildlines) or are  considered disabled by SSDI.

  4. medicaid is for low income people. it will only expire if your income increases.

    medicare as a beneficiary from the death of a retiree would expire on age 18 or leaving school.

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