
Does your middle name define you? Obama related.?

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So many people are having a fit about Obama's middle name. Which is Hussein. There is even a rumor that he chose this name because he is a secret Muslim. The name is his birth name. He was given it in honor of his Kenyan grandfather.

So does his given middle name define his character?

If so, what is your middle name? How does that name define you?

My middle name is Lee. I am not a Chinese communist.

I am, however, really good at kung-fu.




  1. Your middlename does not define who you are unless you engulf yourself in the history and tradition of it.  If you wanted to delve into the history behind Lee and find your chinese communist roots then you would be lettin it define you.

    My middle name is Glen it has very strong scottish roots and I drink very good scotch therefore in a way it does describe or define me to a point.

  2. How can a name that you did not assign to yourself define you? A name is a name pal, what you do with ya life is ur own decision, no some hidden supernatural bull. Free will.

  3. In some respects it does.  It depends on the name and why it was given to you.

    I have two middle names; drop my first name and I could be called Junior.  My mother made my first name her brothers middle name so as I wouldn't be called Junior like he was (he resented it).  I am not like either my uncle or my father, though obviously I am a bit more like my father, and yes, being his son can be a definition of me and there is nothing I can do about it to those people.

    As far as how this defines Senator Obama, like it or not, it does play into the fears some people have of the religion associated with it.  It may not be right, but that's the way it is.

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