
Does your mind control your body

by Guest61718  |  earlier

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or your body your mind ,who's in charge here and if you are in charge why dont you look after it better




  1. that's a really good question!

  2. There are 3 level, Thought Word Deed.

    They work in different easy ways. First: Think it (visualize or by words). Speak It, (what you were thinking. Deed Do it. This is the process of all creation, Think it speak it as though it were true and then do it. everything is a result of thought. You are a creative being. If you are an atheist and want to become a christian you have to create the new you. you do this by Thinking It, Speaking It and Acting on it. Thay allso work the oposit way, act it speak it then think about it later. People are tought to think before they act, this is because authorities stop you from acting on your thoughts, ie they take away your godpower. This is why religions exist. So DO, SPEAK, then Think, or they happen integratedly. All at the same time which is what they do. All 3 above examples are true, but man takes away from people he doesnt give. good luck. Oh lastly i could say hello to you verbally, i could also smile and project a thought of Hi, hello, or i could just shake your hand, theyre the same thing expressed differently. For every act you perorm somewhere at some time you created that act by thought. everything is a result of thought. So to everything is a result of action etc. Theyre the same thing but like i say man tries to disintegrate thi individual in favour of the whole. The ned of the many etc. Your needs are moe important than the many. Tha many is out of your hands hpe you get it. Hello? lol

  3. i think your mind controls your body.  you don't even realise all of the unconscious decisions your mind makes even if they are instinctive.

  4. This is actually an elusive question that involves much more response than I can provide. In short, "control" is handled by a conflict between the mind and body. Almost a 50/50 situation, in theory anyways. This conversation can become very complex, but the answer is both.  

  5. that is a really good question

  6. They interact. The challenge is to give the mind the upper hand.

  7. Yes because your mind tells you to breath and tells your heart to pump blood and tells you to move. Your body can't function without your brain telling it to.

  8. Your mind is in control of everything you do.

    We have drives, which Sigmund Freud described as,

    "Something inside ourselves, but outside our control".

    You have heard of someone who is driven to achieve, whereas some people are just content to be pushed around by circumstances all around them, finding solice in inward thinking.

    As the drives which control us are beyond our conscious thoughts, we are governed by them.

    Looking after our bodies becomes harder with the coming years, and, you will find, that many people struggle to overcome middle age spread, or things pointing South when they used to point North.

    Nobody wants to be grossly overweight for instance.

    In this example, the effect is being overweight, but the drives are the cause.

    Smoking, drugs and drink binging are a few more examples of damaging the body, whilst being virtually helpless to avoid the inevitable happening.

    The only alternative is through hypno-analysis, freeing the cause and dissolving therefore the effect.

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