
Does your mother help you validate your answers on YA?

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Does your mother come on this section to help validate your answers and give you credibility, and what are your Sun and Moon signs?




  1. No.

  2. Nope.

    Sun sign: Aquarius.

    Moon sign: Taurus.

  3. No. I lived at home for a year after graduating high school because I was starting out in college and getting settled. After a year, I was working and going to school, and I was able to move in with room mates to share costs. When I broke the apron strings with my mother, they stayed broken. I can't imagine having my mother validate my answers on Y/A.

  4. No. I live on my own. Plus she isn't interested in the same things that I am.

    Sun: Virgo

    Moon: Libra

  5. No. You're referring to someone in the horoscope section..?

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