
Does your name describe your personaility?

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Does your name describe your personaility?




  1. yes it does

    my name is Tala't which means rise as well as Humaa which ours

    and both of them describe

  2. yep. and im glad my parenst chiose this name for me.

    some people get theor aunts to name them!!!

  3. Heba = Gift

    dont know how that describes my personality!

  4. No, not really!

  5. Yes because I am my husbands' favourite wife : )

  6. We don't choose our names, our parents did (mine did at least).

    If you want your personality to describe your given name, then all the more power to you (if your name is good that is).

  7. Yes Kinda

  8. "Quiet leader of (wo)men" .....  Sometimes.  Although it is for others to decide, I think, whether to follow or lead once they are aware of one's interests and intentions.  A question of worth, I'd say!

  9. No, that's why I want to change my name because I do not look like no Crystal.

  10. [edit]

    Nice one ms thumbs everyone down (meaning: The One With No Thumbs) - I've balanced it out...

    [original answer]

    Interesting you ask this, as I just answered a question for someone else, telling them what their name meant...

    His was my middle name.

    My Screen name is something I have chosen, which I believe suits my personality very well. (have a look at my profile)

    My GIVEN name does, now I know what they all mean, fit my personality more than I would like to believe...

    The first is the "Rock upon which the Church is built";

    The second is "Who is like God?" (Rhetorical - implying no-one is...) and the Patron Saint of Soldiers; The defender of Heaven and leader of It's armies.

    My Surname means "Bishop" or "Knight" depending on translation...

    Considering that my chosen career is as a Martial Art teacher (not instructor - big difference), and that I am my Master's closest advisor - at the moment - my name has turned out to be very accurate of my chosen, very much loved career.

    And if our careers and interests define who we are...

    Then Yes...

    My name does describe me very well.

    Both of them, assumed and given.

    I am the person whom many people rely on for support (especially in my psychoanalysis work) - I provide people with that and a strong foundation to build from.

    I am a Martial teacher - a teacher of a Soldier's art and defend those who seek it or have difficulty doing so themselves. By teaching, words or by action.

    I am tireless, as a soldier, in pursuit of my goals.

    I am not the Master (yet...). I can never be Him. I can only be myself in the hope that I can be as him.

    I am my Master's knight or bishop - and I uphold the values that I believe in and defend them against all who would attack them. I will spread my values to those that would listen and shepherd them in the way they have chosen - regardless if it is my way or not.

    I am a millitant - in that I have my own beliefs and defend them, giving them to those that would receive them.

    I am an individualist - I do what is best for myself and for other individuals in the whole of society, in the hope that individual action and responsibiliy will influence all of society.

    I am liberal - I am open to new ideas and adaptable to new situations. I am not so fixed that my ideas will not assimilate others and grow as a result.

    I learn - as did those who were before me and as those who come after me. I use my learnings to teach others.

    I am the Rock. I am the Soldier. I am the Knight.

    I am ME.

    And I didn't even realise it.

    Thanks for the question - it's a good one!

  11. Sunflowers make me happy because of their bright colour. They bring joy. Not sure if i do! (at least in Y!A):-p

    I just like them.

  12. Radstar.........................?

    Yep - I'd say that sums it up!

  13. My real name means precious pearls/stones and i guess i am pretty unique in terms of being wacky and outrageous at times LOl

    My screen name also suits me because i guess i always have peace in my mind and soul...given that i have islam( my faith)...... which means peace.

    Also did i mention my name also means a slavic goddess of winter....??? I personally don't like that me the shivers!!!!

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  14. Yeah, I think my name (Amal) is pretty chill and mellow like me.

  15. kinda, my name is Emaan. it means Faith

    & i do hav faith in alot of things..


  16. Rhiannon's a Welsh goddess! Worth looking up!

    It must be horrible to be named for a virtue then expected to live up to it, though.

  17. Where?

    on here or in real life?

    My name in real life does describe my personality..but in a way that only I get it...not others.

    Here it might be describing my personality in a ay .......but its noet very clear to understand my personality!

  18. No...

  19. Yes

  20. No.

  21. My real name or Y!A name?

    My real name means "eman wali" - "one who has eman"- but it's not EMAN =P  Alhamdulillah, I like the name I have and I think in a way, it does describe my personality.

    My Y!A name is  Cupcakes and has always been! xD umm I guess it's because I like cupcakes and baking!! =]

  22. It does with some different names because if somebody asked what your name was and your name was different, like miles for instance, you may be a bit embarised about it. But their is nothing 2 be embarised about. Just b confident!

  23. somehow

  24. Sarah means "princess". (I have a friend called Sarah, lol.)

    My name's Rhiann. I don't really know about my name, because it's spelt differently. Rhiannon comes from the name of the Greek Goddess, but it can also mean "nymph or witch". That's the closest I can find to my actual name. So, no... my name does NOT describe me, lol. Unless I'm a good witch. :)

  25. At the moment I am calling myself Harry. Thats not my name but if I change my mood then I'll change it to something else. That is me in the photo though and sometimes I wish I could change that as well.

  26. Well, pink is my second favourite colour.  (Purple is my first favourite)

  27. yea, my name means source of joy, and that is truely what I am.  It is Abbey not sally..haha.

  28. well my name is sarah so i dunno cus i dunno the meaning of it lol

  29. No, simple.

  30. My Christian name, yes.  My surname, yes

    My name after taking shahadah, yes.

  31. My real ife name, yes it certainly does.

    And my screen name.... yes I suppose so. I'm sweet and princessy, but not a diva type princess.

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