
Does your parallel parking suck?

by  |  earlier

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mine does, I just get so worked up over nothing!




  1. Nope....

    You just need to practice more and more and you will do just fine.

  2. i cant parallel park without someone to wave me in.  and even then i dont understand the hand signals.

    i've maybe parallel parked 3 times in my life.  i would rather drive to the far end and walk.

  3. No imma pro,...I could show you how

  4. sometime

  5. practice till you have it down pat then you will wonder why you thought it was so hard. a couple hours ought to do it.

  6. I am ok at it use to freak me out.

  7. I'm a good parallel parker and legally, I'm not even supossed to be driving. lol

  8. yeah. not a fan of the parallel.

  9. naw man! I am an excellent driver!

  10. No problem whatsoever.

    Parallel parking is a skill;  

    to acquire a skill need practice;  

    practice takes time and patience.

    Get the skill and you will never lose it.

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