
Does your parent have to make over or under 30,000 for you to qualidy for finacial aid?

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  1. For federal, it's under unless you have a lot of dependent siblings.

  2. it depends on how many dependent siblings you have, or those that are in college as well..

    also, your parents' property and finances really matter.

    I think if your parents make under $50,000 and there are 2 dependents, including yourself.. other college student, you might qualify.

    not sure it depends on a case-to-case basis.

  3. It all depends how you fill out the form. The worse off you look the more money you will get. There are ways to make your assets look less. Such as have your parents transfer all their money to a child's account for the time being until you get financial aid. That is just one of very many tips

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