
Does your partner look like your parent?

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Women tend to choose husbands who look like their fathers, a study shows. Does your partner support this theory?

Men use the same process when picking out their wives, according to the latest work from the University of Pécs in Hungary.




  1. no but I mistakenly told a date that her name was the same name as a dog i had when i was little.

    the date didn't end well and now i have no partner.

    life sucks.

  2. No, I read that too earlier.  My boyfriend acts very much like my dad, but looks-wise they couldn't be more different!

    Oh no, that doesn't mean I'm like his mother does it?

  3. No definitely not! I'd have run a mile and if i looked like my mother so too would my prospective husband! They were in their 50's when we married and both sets of parents looked like 70 year old people do now!

  4. I don't have one anymore, but when I did, no not in the slightest!!

  5. Only during s*x, God I've just realised how sick I am.

  6. Do Peter Sellers and Jeremy Clarkson look similar?

    I think this kind of data depends also on whether you rate the parent or not. I clearly have  gone from one end of the spectrum to the!

  7. No, not at all. My dad is stout & short while my husband is slim & tall...but you're right,  you know...their values are pretty much the same...they feel strongly about the same things and that is what i like!

  8. my other half doesn't look like my dad, although they have exactly the same temperament and react to situations in exactly the same way :-)

  9. Interesting observation!

  10. At my age, more like my great granny.

  11. No. My recent ex is a ginger wayne rooney !


    Edit : Brendan K. Is she your sister? lol...

  12. Wait, do men choose women that look like moms then? Cause I just realized my girlfriend has the same eyes as my father and I !

  13. Sorry! Me & my husband (married 22 years) prove the theory entirely wrong.  Absolutely no similarity between us and our in-laws. Perish the thought!


  14. I heard that yesterday - I can honestly say my partner looks nothing lik my father =]

  15. No he doesn't but all my partners look like one another is some way or another!!

  16. LOL no not really

    similar hair and similar jobs, that's about it  

  17. That all sounds pretty incestuous to me!

  18. I wouldn't say my boyfriend "looks" like my dad, but I can definitely see similarities...  They're the same height.  My dad wears a size 14 shoe, my boyfriend wears a size 13.  They both wear their hair long and have facial hair.  And, they're both musicians.  =)

  19. I wouldn't have thought so but now that I think about it they have similarities. Both have dark eyes, dark hair and dark skin. Apart from that they are completely different.

  20. No, not at all!

    My husband is dark haired and skin that tans easily.  His features are nothing like my father's, My father was fair skinned fair haired blue eyed, just as I am. He was also a sh*t.

    I have, in the distant past, found myself attracted to blond guys but always backed off.  Speaks for itself really, and may in a way support your theory too!!

  21. I do hope not, my father has been dead for thirteen years.

  22. What partner.

  23. nowt like him. lol

  24. Yes I have heard that too, daughters seeking a prospective hubby, their dad would approve of and therefore it is going to be a sort of daddy lookalike with regard to characters. There seems to be no explanation for it. Dunno about mothers and daughters. My darling is anything but like my dad or mum. Though they never ever said anything negative about us being lezzies and that was wonderful. I love my dad more than my mum, because he is more critical, while my mum agrees with all I say for the sake of peace, perhaps?.

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