
Does your partner treat you the same, better or worse - now that you're pregnant?

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Just wondering if men tend to give their partners special treatment while pregnant.




  1. I would say My husband was more attentive. My only downside was that my first pregnancy was so easy! So when I got pregnant the second time and was twice as exhausted, he had a little bit harder time understanding it. He very quickly learned that every pregnancy is different and that we got spoiled the first time around!

    And when the pregnant girl says she needs a nap Boy Get out of the way!!!


  2. My husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) treated me much better when I was pregnant. He quit going out with his friends and stayed home with me every night. Tried not to aruge with me (but i was pretty difficult to get along with). He cooked me dinner every night and rubbed my feet before bed.  

  3. my ex seemed to be meaner to me; he would make me cry on purpose (but he was an abusive man anyway)

  4. my husband treated me like a queen during both my pregnancies. it really depends on the person. our relationship seemed like it was a lot better during this last pregnancy but we are stronger now.  

  5. I'm so jealous when i hear stories about how there partners was so good and stuff when they was pregnant, it makes me sad. cause when i was pregnant with my 2 girls my their dads was not nice to me, we got a long good till i got pregnant before i got pregnant he treated me so good, we was around each other all the time, but when i got pregnant he started going out alone, he started seeing other people but i didn't know until i was 7 months and he never played with my belly, never felt the kids kicking or anything, and then when i had my kids at the hospital he was there for the births but didn't come and visit me or the baby at the hospital, he was to busy driving people around in my car, and to busy having people in my house, both pregnancies he was like that, and it really does make me sad, the day i  came home from the hospital he left in my car, i had c section with my youngest and 3 days after having my c section i was up trying to tend to the baby and running after a 2 yr old, he wasn't there for me at all,

    and when your pregnant i always thought it would be one of the most happiest times in my life but ended up being bad i guess, i mean i love my kids and i did enjoy being pregnant feeling the kicks and getting the ultra sounds done, but it would of been better not crying every night cause he didn't come home, and with out him  saying ouch like i hurt him everytime i would grap his hand to feel a kick.

    and eating a lone at the little stake dinner that they provide for mom and dad the day baby goes home,

  6. my dad treats my mum way better

  7. same way, very good

  8. Like gold. I love it. I get a big reality check afterwards when I have to get things like my purse from the other room after the baby's born. Sometimes he forgets and I get away with it. :)

  9. pretty much the same..

  10. my fiance treated me so good my first pregnancy, he did EVERYTHING for me, even when I just wanted to do it myself. This pregnancy he is working a lot but he still does everything when he is around. He pampers me to death! I love it!

  11. My husband is always good to me, but now he doesn't complain about doing chores as much! He cooks more, picks up more.  I have also noticed he is very protective of me out in public which I think is really nice.  He's even put up with the ridiculous things I've had him do now that I'm nesting, like clean out the garage and air vents.

  12. our relationship got SO much better after we found out i was pregnant. i love it! and i love him and we are SO excited to become parents in 6 weeks!

  13. My husband has always treated me great, so not too much changed. He did clean/cook a little more often due to my morning sickness which lasted all day.

  14. Wouldn't know- my husband is away for the military.  Just be glad yours is with you.

  15. My hubby treats me the same, but different.  He does more stuff for me like grab me things, or cook supper, but it's stuff that I think he would have done had I asked before.  He's amazing and I can't say enough positive things about him.  Pregnancy hasn't been easy and we've had our fights, but he is an awesome man!

  16. my boy freirnd treats me the same pretty much except he always goes with my cravings when making dinner and he rubs my stomach a lot when he thinks I'm sleeping. I am glad he doesn't spoil me or I might want to get pregnant all the time. ;-)

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