
Does your period stop when you are in the water???

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I am having a swim party but my period is supposed to start. Someone(well a lot of people). Told me it stops when you go in the water and you don't have to wear a pad or a tampon. Is that true?? Because I want to swim, but if I would have to wear a tampon, I won't!!! I am only 11 and I don't want to wear a tampon. But will my period stop in the water??????




  1. ive heard that from a lot of people too!

    maybe use a light one just incase

  2. No not completly but the presure will cause it to slow down while your in the water

  3. If you use a pd it will get soaked with water, not blood and fall out of your bathing suit, not to mention you will see it. People say your period stops when your in water, i think it slows down but you hardly notice becuase the water washes it away when your in the shower FAST. If your in a pool, it will come out and you will see blood in the pool and when you get out it will probably run down your leg. The best thing to do is try a tampon, or just dont swim.. Good Luck!

  4. i had that problem like 2 weeks ago...use a slim tampon and go into the shouldnt bleed heavily but you will bleed just a tiny bit..



  5. plz wear a tampon! ur blood just dissolves into the water so you dont see it, and wen u get out of water it will run down ur leg!

  6. no it wnt water does not stop the flow!

    it might turn the water red! it best that you dnt get in the water if you have it because how would you fell if some one was on there period and got in the pool when you was around it would be sick plz dnt thats jus unsanitary  

  7. I'm not sure if your period actually "stops" for the time you are in the water. But the blood will not visibly leak out while swimming. However, if you get out the pool, there could be a chance that it could run down your leg. Depending on how heavy your flow is, I say that you could swim, especially if it's not heavy. But if it is, maybe you should sit out just this once. It would be worse if you bled in front of everybody. It's up to your judgement.

  8. You will be fine, just be sure to check constantly. Don't let puberty stop you from having fun. Just be careful =). And don't wear a tampon, you are too young.

  9. I have already answered your other question regarding your swimming party, but no it doesn't stop just because you are in the water.  I would suggest talking to your mother about your period, as embarrassing as it is.  You sound like you really need to talk to her in detail about what your period is and isn't.

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