
Does your pet love you a do you know?

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i know my kitty loves me alot :)

-cause when i (and only me) when i leave the house she sits and waits at the door untill i return

-when i call her name she comes over

-i just gave her a bath to clean her up, and its only been like an hour and shes not mad at all, shes rubbign on my hand for me to pet her head

-sometimes she licks my toes(lol)

-when my stepdad calls her VS me calling her-she usually comes to me

so what about you?

when your pet shows how they love you does it make you feel happy and special?

also, what makes a pet attatch, or favor a person, does it have to do with how much time u spend with them as a kitten, or maybe is just some magical chemistry?





  1. I know my dog loves me more than my husband does.  If I lock them both in a closet for an hour, who do you think will be happy to see me when I let them out?

  2. I think any animal will love you if you love them back.

  3. I just rescued a Bichon pup that was abused.  She is so happy to be out of a kennel &amp; be in a real non-abusive home.  She is constantly giving me kisses  or licks any part of me that isn&#039;t covered.  Like when i&#039;m wearing short sleeves &amp; summer shorts.  She is always under foot &amp; follows me room to room even in the bathroom!

    So glad to have her in my life. Whenever i have a bad day i know she will be waiting to give me her unconditional love.  

  4. If a cat it will start purring

    If a dog it will start jumping and barking HAPPILY

    If fish it will having to be enjoying itself

  5. My dogs follow me

    When i&#039;m leave, they wait for me in my room

    Always Climb on my bed

    Like to sleep with me

    Always Wag their tails when i wake up

    Wherever i am they are

  6. I know my dogs love me because they follow me around everyone, they even get mad and bark when I close the door to go potty or to shower. I think it has to do with chemistry and the way you treat them. I got my dogs from the pound when they were 3 years old so I know it has nothing to do with how I treated them as a puppy.

  7. my cat Simba loved me more than anyone in the world loves me. but he died 3 months ago :(  i cant believe it was that long ago it seemed like yesterday he was sleeping wiht me! anyways i knew he loved me cause

    - he waited for me just like ur cat does, except he waited in the bay window.

    - he only slept wiht me

    - he was afraid of everyne except me cause he had a bad childhood before i got him and i was the only one he trusted.

    - he always played with my hair.

    - he would follow me everywhere.

    theres tons of reasons how i knoew he loved me. and i loved him just as much. and yes it made me feel really happy and special. and i think its both... how much u spend time wiht tem and u have to have chemistry. i think they can sense how much u care about them.

    enjoy ur cat cause time with him will go by faster than u think.  

  8. If they play with it yes and it might take some time

    What time is it where you live... PLEASE ANSWER

  9. my dog follows me everywhere. shes a little mini me. hehe.

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