
Does your plumbing work during a power outage?

by Guest33874  |  earlier

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Does your plumbing work during a power outage?




  1. Yes.  Water pressure comes from the mains, and is not dependent on house power.  Mains pressure is usually obtained from a reservoir of some sort, so it usually doesn't depend on a source of electrical power -- at least for a while.

  2. usually a power outage does not interfere with the city's pumping station, so yes.

  3. Yes, it sure does, unless you have a well that uses a pump.

  4. yes the water coming into your house will have pressure. however anything that uses electricity wont. such as fridge water

  5. yes it does

  6. have you seen those water towers ,standing high in the sky,you can see them all over town they are so high.they use a pump to fill that tower with water,but it's not just the tower ,there are miles and miles of pipe all over the city and that pipe is full of water,so the water falls downhill to your house,no need for electricity. and the sewer is similar a gravity fed system,it falls to a central location and then is pumped to a sewage management facility...........or do you have a personal well ,then if the power is off you,got no water..........tom

  7. My first thought was to say, Yes, of course it does. That is not necessarily correct though.

    Some things that control water are electrically operated. Normally, it is few that are, so most people whould not have a problem. If you have a well, you are in trouble.

    The water dispenser on your refrigerator may also not work, nor will the ice maker and also the ice dispensor. Both are electrically operated.

    Most water softeners use some electricity. Even those will allow water to pass with no problem. If the electric is off too many days, they will not recycle. At worst, that means normal tap water. Many reverse osmosis filters and some regular filters also use electricity.

    If the electricity is out in the entire city, the water company might not be able to pump water. That happens occationally during a natural disaster also.

  8. When it's out for a few hours it won't. You will have one flush in each toilet and that is it. But if you have a bucket of water and you pour alot of water into the toilet fast, it will flush. Take it from me, I've endured quite a few hurricanes. (=

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