
Does your pre-schooler sleep , after he is back from school in noon? OR

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Does he get to bed real early at night?

I try to make mine doze ..but they just wont .




  1. To me I would have to say it would depend on the day that the preschooler has had. Most of the time they do go to bed early

  2. nope, I still put her down for "quiet time" but she only falls asleep like once every three weeks.  But it's still relax time for her and ME as her baby sister goes down at that time.  So then at night when she doesn't nap, she's in bed by 6:45.

  3. My son gets home @ 12:30, he is starving and overtired. He is too wound too nap, so after lunch I pull his blinds and put him in his room to watch 2 episodes of Blues Clues, then he can get up to play. The 40 minutes help him wind down enough to enjoy the rest of his day. Then he usually does get to bed a little bit earlier at night

  4. well my sister is in pre k and shesometimes goes to sleep during the evening if shes whatching a movie or really bored.but if she plays all day or something she dosent go to sleep until 9:00 pm

  5. When my two first started pre-school they came home tired, had a tiny snooze then woke up,sometimes they had too long to sleep and played up at bed time. As they got used to going to pre-school they stopped the nsps then had a good nights sleep,went to bed on time/early. Its far better that way in my opinion,id rather they up all day then slept well at night : )

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