
Does your religion offer a sign-up bonus to new converts?

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Does your religion offer a sign-up bonus to new converts?




  1. dont be silly...we dont get paid to go to church!!

  2. Yes Ten Jesus points for each convert, Redeemable in heaven. Hard to collect though.

  3. As an agnostic my signing bonus was to remove all guilt from my entire life and I was actually granted freedom and feel liberated.  

  4. Definitely-eternal life-it's the only bonus I've ever received that I never deserved.

  5. for FORGIVENESS,REPENTANCE and a personal relationship with God how good does that sound. ALL FREE OF CHARGE!!!! Why are Athiests so set on trying to make christians look bad, why not leave them alone and let them believe what they believe?

  6. Sure does, its called heaven. Happy now?

  7. Yes. We receive eternal life. What more could we want?

  8. Ritualised drinking

  9. Yes, a dagger, free religious writings, holy scarves and a coupon for McDonalds.

  10. I've had recommendations before to do that. Unfortunately is makes absolutely no sense at all.

    Have you heard about the gas raffle right after church. One raffle a week for free gas! who can possible lose with that?

  11. No, which gives me a clue that I am practicing a religion rather than joining a cult or buying a car.

  12. Yes.  It's called "Salvation."

  13. No.  

  14. No

  15. No!  Rather on the contrary, it costs real money as well as a lot of time and effort to convert to Judaism.

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