
Does your religion play a factor in hiring someone to be a babysitter?

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For example: Are parents more likely to hire people of a similar religion over one they don't know about when choosing a babysitter for their children? Like a Christian family only prefers a Christian babysitter, even if that Christian babysitter is a teenager or has no experience, verses a Jewish, or Hindu babysitter who has more experience.




  1. Personally I don't follow a religion so I definitely wouldn't hire on these grounds. However I think it's probably more likely a very religious family would be more likely to hire a religious babysitter.

  2. I am Atheist. I would hire the person with the best references, most experience, and who Jayden really liked

    However, I would be more apprehensive about hiring a christian babysitter. Now my goal here is not to offend anyone, but my PERSONAL experience has been that they will try to teach kids their religion, even when asked not too. It is part of their religion, they are told in the Bible to do so, and they truly believe that they are doing the right thing. I was raised in a VERY strict, Christian home, so I know that. I respect their beliefs as long as they respect mine.

    I guess the bottom line is, If I can trust them to respect my beliefs and values, and not try to convert my son, then religion plays NO factor in who I choose as a babysitter

  3. It plays no factor for me. I wouldn't even ask. It isn't important. Experience and how well suited they are are the only factors that affect my decision. If I'm going to leave my children in the care of another person, I better be darn sure I can trust them.

    I would never take the risk of picking someone of my religion over someone who would take better care of my children.

  4. Honestly, to meit doesn't matter. I would love for my daughter and son to be exposed to many different experiences.I wouldn't mind having a Hindu babysitter, or Christian or Muslim or whatever, as long as they didn't try to convert my children, but I would totally be ok if they would want to teach the kids about their particular beliefs.

    I think that a qualified person should be givin a chance. But for example, I wouldn't hire someone who believed in corporal punishment, or hurting animals and things of that nature because it goes against our core values. But these things aren't related to religion.

    If a person knows CPR, if we feel we can trust them, if they "click" with our family, then we will give them a shot as a babysitter. However I rarely leave my kids home alone with a stranger (aka babysitter) but prefer to have family watch them--it's just more comfortable for us.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Of course this happens daily because people tend to go where there are comfortable. That is why when you see around a college campus you see people segregated from each other (black people, nerds, punks, rockers, etc…).

    Even do that by not hiring a babysitter just because of their religion is illegal and discriminatory.

  6. For me religion plays no part. But I also understand that for some it may.

    I am Christian, but it doesn't mean that I couldn't have another type of religious person babysitting my kids. For me, I rely most on Exprience and responsibility.  

  7. I would *prefer* a Christian since my husband and I are Christians; however, I would give the job to the person with the most qualifications, regardless of religion. BUT if we did choose someone that was not Christian, I would insist they do NOT talk religion with our son.

  8. For me I would look fro both a Christian and someone with experience. We had the county refer us a babysitter one time & after a few weeks, our 3 year old was at home and we were getting into the house & she said "open the d**n door" that was when we knew we had made the wrong choice in sitters.  Not that she wouldn't be exposed to bad language in the future...  

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