
Does your religious affiliation or lack there of affect the way you eat your Cadbury's creme egg?

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Does your religious affiliation or lack there of affect the way you eat your Cadbury's creme egg?




  1. As an atheist, I believe I eat my cadbury eggs with a sense of wonder at the technology that allows a milk chocolate egg to be inundated with that fake yoke sugar.

    When I was a christian, I ate them the same way....but, I probably prayed about it first.

  2. Yes I carve mine into the shape of the virgin mary.

  3. No, I shove the whole thing in at once

  4. I'm with Dusty. Those things will gag a maggot.

  5. In my faith I feel called to treat my body in the best possible way. Therefore eating sugar and milk laden chocolate and chemicalized sugar is not part of that, as it is not real food.

  6. My religious beliefs make no difference, I hate Cadbury's creme eggs!

  7. two bites and it's gone

    and it's sugary chocolately goodness makes me appreciate that i have no religious belief

  8. yes

    im a naturalistic pantheist

    i sit on my egg til it goes soft then i squish it all over my face

    me and egg, as one  

  9. Yeah, as an atheist I make sure it's fertilized, mostly developed, then I eat the Cadbury babby.

  10. Those things gag me just thinking about 'em.

  11. hehe... I like to bite the top off and stick my tongue in... I'm not religious but am interested in religion and spirituality

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