
Does your school make you wear uniforms?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like a lot of schools are getting uniforms now...It's starting to scare me O.O




  1. nopee, answer mine?;...

  2. Nope.

    we dont even have a dress code.


  3. nope, thank god!

    lol i would constantly be in the principles office if i did, cuz i hate being like everyone else. i would be the freak that would put on a bullet belt around my wast and wear my converse with the skirt (which is what uniforms always seem to have for girls.)

  4. Well. I live in Australia and I'm pretty sure nearly all schools have uniforms. At least there's no school I know of that has a free dress code. It sucks, really ><

  5. no

  6. Yeah ! I hate my uniform. My high school actually started the year I was suppose to go. What luck !  

  7. nope

  8. Yer i've always had to wear school uniform.

    Its alright tho =P

  9. yes but there not really strict u can wear jeans but they will say to wear school pant tomorrow so yes

  10. yup i love it!!!

  11. yeah

    my school makes us wear uniforms

    their real tight about how we wear them and all.

    but i'm from Australia

    and all schools here that im aware of wear uniforms


  12. They do and they look terrible.

  13. No, and Im glad.

  14. yup... and the uniform isnt very nice as well :(

  15. yup...

  16. Yeah, but its more of a dress code: you can wear a polo that is green,black,gray,or white, or a school sponsored shirt. You can wear khaki pants/shorts, denim shorts/blue jeans, and if you are a girl a skirt in those colors. You alos have to wear a belt

  17. Nope I don't have to I wish I did though :/  

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