
Does your significant other annoy you more now that your pregnant???

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Is it just me? My boyfriend seems much more moody and annoying lately. It is like living with Cybil, It may be my hormones but he seems to be moody and complain more, he isnt even the one having to deal with any of it. Does anybody else feel like this???




  1. Lol its just your hormones. My hubby is overseas with the Army and I still get annoyed by him sometimes even though I shouldn't. Its normal. I just cherish the times I actually get to hear his voice and focus on the positive things.

  2. Yes-  He works late and it really bothers me even more than usual.  I am home with our 2 year old and dealing with bad morning sickness.  I want him home on time.  And the silly thing is that he owns the company.  If the needs to work he could work from home but he refuses.

  3. my husband was annoying at times to me when i was pregnant. its just the hormones.....try to relax and not take it out on him.....who wants more stress...

  4. My husband is great. The only thing I complain about is that he takes my pillows at night when it's taken me 45 minutes to get adjusted! ;-)

    Give it time, I'm sure things will get better.

  5. i get soo annoyed when we are trying to sleep becuase im trying to get comfy and hes trying to cuddle (which is cute once im settled) but as im tossing at turning hes moving with me so we have this king sized bed and im basiclly hanging off the edge. THIS IS AN EVERY NIGHT THING. its so annoying to me. we have like 15 pillows and somehow i always end up with none.  

  6. hahaha see i guess i lucked out with the annoying husband and got one that just was never around to be annoying lol he throws himself into work and is rarely home and when he is he is asleep so i dont really have to deal with him. the down side is if i need help with my two older kids or help carryng something heavy he isnt there other than that hey oh well his loss lol.  

  7. i completely feel like this almost all the time! I know it's just hormones, but... sometimes I wonder, "is it really hormones, or has this baby just taken away all of his brain cells?"

    i can't wait to get past this. Almost everything/everyone annoys me at this point.

    I'm usually a nice person. i promise! haha.

  8. Yeah I was like that at the beginning of my pregnancy, but now he only annoys me part of the time lol. I just tell him to get out of my face and leave me alone for a while. He is just like "ok whatever" because he knows its just my hormones lol! It will pass but it's kind of fun lol!

  9. My mother in law is probably the hardest to deal with. I do everything wrong and she knows everything about anything. lol. the worst part is- EVERYONE says that we have exactly the same personalities! *OH NO!* lol

  10. my husband was extremely annoying, but I found that the hormones you emit sometimes affect their moods as well. After the first couple of months, it was a major flip and I suddenly couldn't get enough of him and everyone else annoyed me lol. hormones do weird things to you during pregnancy.  

  11. no, but, my 2 dogs are really annoying since I've been pregnant

  12. when i was pregnant with my son my fiance annoyed the h**l outta me. it's the hormones. and he'll understand that if you snap at him that its because you're pregnant.

  13. It's just not you.  My husband bugged the c**p out of me while I was pregnant.  I even told him that I didn't like him anymore.  And one time I told him that he's lucky that I'm not a violent person, cause I felt like punching him in the face.  But now that I've had my baby, he doesn't annoy me as much.  

  14. YES! my fiance and I have been driving each other crazy for the last nine months! But it's not just him. The dogs, the cats, my parents, other drivers, etc. I know it's just my hormones getting to me, but really. It's kind of a pain because i don't want to be one of those crazy pregnant ladies and I am. I actually wrote my fiance a note, to give him while I was in labor, apologizing for being a pain in the butt. I just hope we can stand each other long enough to get through this. lol! Good luck, Congrats, and remember your not alone!! :)

  15. yes i feel the same way. i think that both of our emotions are running high. and hormones too. i hope that it goes away soon. good luck for you and him

  16. Yeparooney!  I feel the same way most days.  I'm not sure why but men seem to forget that during pregnancy it is an emotional time and just being themselves isn't enough.  This is our second child and I swear my hubby took stupid pills!  He is actually waking me up in the middle of the night wanting me to make his lunch or find his socks because he's got to go to work!  I just keep reminding myself that it is me and not him because it isn't unusual for him to carefully ask me where I put his socks at two thirty am or ask me where the peanut butter was moved too because I rearranged.  LOL  I guess I am hormonal after all!


  17. No but everybody else does. My husband is not so bad but everyone around me just annoys the c**p out of me.

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