
Does your spouse constantly talk about money or the lack there is of it in the household funds?

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its getting on my nerves cause my husband speaks more about money in our daily conversation . That I'm sick of hearing about it. Really am Tired of the conversation being about money and nothing else.




  1. just curious as to your question because I didn't have an answer for it and I moved on to another question and saw that you asked why its easier to spend than save. Why are you asking if you hate talking about it?

    People like and worry about different things. Your husband values money and he worries about it or really likes it so that's all he talks about. I do the same and my husband and I's counselor told my husband to accept the fact that we value different things and to basically deal with it, he also told me that by me worrying about it, the constant worry and fear of where money is coming from will stress me out and there's nothing I can do about the future so to focus on the present.

  2. It was the ex's favorite subject.  I completely understand your frustration.

  3. You need to sit down (together) and draw up a budget.

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