
Does your spouse makes you happy most of the time or give you pain? ?

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my husband gives me pain most of the time. Physically. Verbally. Emotionally and mentally. Theres no day that i didnt get hurt by anyway. But eventhough i get pain most of the time, im still happy that i have him. I love him so much that i think il be more in pain if i lose him. Id rather be hurt everyday and just be hapi that i have him than not to get hurt but i dont have him in my life.

What are your ways to keep your spouse happy with you? To love you more?




  1. You need some serious help girl. How can you be happy living like this? Why would you want to? The problem is him and it does not matter what you do he is still going to be annoyed and still abuse you because that is what he is. You deserve better and until you realize that you have big problems. My husband does not cause me pain and I would not allow him to if he tried. Your self esteem sounds shot and you think that you cannot do better. You are wrong, you can do much better.  

  2. That is very sad. Love is not mean,harsh,hurtful or painful. Love is wanting your partner happy. You have classic abuse signs. No self esteem, completely child like and dependant on him. Please try and find the strength to help yourself. real men are loving, kind and supportive. He is sick and you cannot help or change him. The abuse will never end your boys will carry on the tradition and your girls will most likely wind up in an abusive relationship.Find a womans shelter and save yourself and your kids if you have any.

  3. u know ur getting abused.i am going through the same thing.even though i have left him now after 10 yrs of marriage(he was mentally,physically,verbally and emotionally abusive)i still miss and want to go back to him.there is not a single day that i dont think about him.and i am continously convincing myself he will change.part of the 10 yrs i blamed myself for his behaviour.if i did this he would change.its me who is making him do that.that is how they make u see urself.but he never did change and i think never can.but i don't know why i still have hope.always had.i am starting counseling now.hope it work.i think u should start now and find urself before its too late.and u wake up one day and realize where life has taken u.

  4. What the F*ck??? Are you joking? Come on.....

  5. for some reason you think you deserve this, you need some counseling and some work on self esteem and cognitive behavoiral therapy

  6. Please tell me you are joking.

  7. how sad, if you were happy then you wouldn't be up here asking this question...

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