I am taking an interesting class during the evening through the local community college certificate adult education program. The class is three hours long and about two hours is lecture. What is amazing to me is the teacher does not use notes. He is able to have a two hour clear, understandable presentation using interesting material without any: ahhs, um, anda's, you know, or any other distracting mannerisms WITHOUT NOTES of any kind.
I asked him after class how he is able to speak so long and so clearly without using any written materials (notes). I asked him if he memorized the presentation. He said no. I asked him if he had been doing this presentation for years, he said no. In fact he just makes it all up as he goes. This was the first time he has taught a class.
Is this a sign of a good teacher? Are other teachers able to lecture without notes and make it seem natural.
Teachers: are you using notes, memory, a book or school developed materials for your lectures?