
Does your teacher like to teach your class? Is she happy?

by Guest45211  |  earlier

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Does your teacher like to teach your class? Is she happy?




  1. That is a great question and this is the truth. Some of my teachers YES! But 2 of my teachers NO!!! I cannot stand teachers who do not like teaching because they should find a different career and not make students suffer. They complain constantly about how teachers dont make enought money, how tired they are, kids not doing homework, stress, all the work they have to do and issues in their personal, at home lives. It really is not a good way to go into a class with a mean tired teacher and all she does is complain about how hard it is and money issues and what bothers me the most is they tell their students and complaint to tehm about their personal problems.

  2. nope, my english teacher hates it, i can tell.

  3. All of them seem to enjoy what they teach.

  4. most of them... except my science teacher... she's so liberal she can't think straight.

  5. No to both answers. She's not teaching in the way she desires, due to a lack of time, money and effort by our part. Schooling for me and for her sounds the same --- suffering!

  6. Yeah, if not they should not be teaching!

  7. Ugh, some of mine do. There is one in particular that is coming to my mind. Wow, she hates it you can tell. She will always complain about how many papers she has to grade. Personally, its super annoying. Why do my parents pay high tax's for teachers to slack off?

    That's the hard thing about teaching. You have those teachers that really don't try and there are some really great teachers. Yet they all get paid the same. hm, funny how this world works...

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