I have a 15 year old daughter, she's not a terror, but a typical girl that could already be having s*x, I don’t know, she isn’t going to tell me. (Yes, I've asked) I have run this through in my mind over and over...what would be the right thing to do if she should get pregnant? I have put her on birth control to prevent it "just in case" which I am afraid just gave her a green light to do it, but why take the chance, you know? She knows all the dangers of disease, not to mention the effect it could have on her self esteem, etc. We've had countless talks about this.
My daughter and I are both pro-life (please, no arguments, you have absolutely no chance of persuading me to the other side). We watched "Juno" together a few weeks ago, and I told her that making a childless couple very happy was the right thing to do in my opinion, and immediately she spouted off with "No way, I would keep my baby...you couldn’t do anything about it"
She doesnt live with me, she chooses to live with her father in a town about an hour away. I see her every Saturday, and what I see is a father that will not put his foot down. God knows what she does on the weekends, so you can see my concern.
She always has a way of throwing me stuff that makes me crazy inside, all the while having to act cool, not freak out, not scare her away from conversations. I am constantly feeling like I have missed teaching her something, I have failed to give her proper guidance, failed being a role model...the list goes on. All this piled on the fact she'd rather be with him than with me. This makes me nuts, too.
Now, my questions are...can you make your minor child give a baby up for adoption? At 15, she isn’t even old enough to give consent to s*x. How do you other parents feel about this? What is your "preliminary plan"? I would love to hear from real parents of teenage daughters, please. Your thoughts on this will be appreciated.