
Does your throat hurt the next day after you get drunk?

by  |  earlier

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an i meen the beer not anythin nasty




  1. not really.

  2. I'm always drunk so I don't know... I don't. Sorry.

  3. if u vomit and your throat hurts that would make sense but hurting for no reason thats a tad strange

  4. No not really but my head sure does. You probably vomited or something.

  5. no, but are you still drunk? your spelling's just a little off

  6. nope, what kind of beer are you drinking?  try something else for a night and see if it's that beer that makes it hurt.  Some people that get drunk like to sing or talk loud or talk alot and that can make your throat sore.  And another thing that can make it sore is praying to the toilet god.

  7. i woudlnt b surprised...alcohol makes your throat hurt like burn when it even first goes down ur throat.

  8. Haha what are you talking about beer is nasty! My throat has never hurt you must have done something weird.

  9. not mine but i heard smoking certain types of cigars give ppl a bad after taste along with a sore throat. but i dont know if u smoke or not, soo yeah

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