
Does your toddler do or did this ? ?

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my daughter is getting a bit too possessive now . worst she doesnt want me to get close to her dad. let s say we want to dance she will start crying until she gets picked up ,same she doesnt want him or me to dance with anyone either . when i seat next to my hubby or get a bit too close , she comes and start pushing me . sometimes even when i am talking she says "quiet quiet quiet" and wont share anything with me but her dad . how come when i am the one home with her all day? as soon as her dad gets home i am history . i love the closeness she has with her dad but i dont like it when sometimes she treats me like the other woman . how can i change this ?




  1. This is normal, she is just missing her dad, don't worry she still loves you. Toddlers seem to think of their mother as an extension of themselves and so while she knows daddy goes away sometimes, she probably does not even realise that you could also do this. I am sure when'/if you were the one to leave the reaction would be similar.

  2. Well it beats my daughter who smacks me in the face when i take her away from daddy. son did it and my daughter is currently doing it. I am home with the kids all day and they only see him for a few hours before bed.  They just want attention from him.  LOL...don't worry though...revenge comes later when they are crying and your husband looks at you like "She won't stop crying what's wrong with her?" lol...then you can just take her into her room and let her look out the window and bring her back to him tear free. lol.

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