
Does your toddler(under 3 years) have a puppy and do you regret/love it?

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Does your toddler(under 3 years) have a puppy and do you regret/love it?




  1. I have dogs, and no, I don't regret having a puppy. We got our second dog as a puppy when she was 2. It was a lot of work, but she learned how to be kind to animals, always had something to play with outside, how they were taken care of, and I think pets are important to people (not just children) to have for their overall well-being.

    You could easily end up regretting it if you:

    A) choose the wrong dog (some breeds, no matter how you raise them, are not suited to little children)

    B) did not teach your toddler how to behave around the dog

    C) did not teach the dog how to behave properly

    If you are thinking about getting a puppy for your toddler, please go to the RSPCA/whatever your local equal is. There are MANY puppies available, who may otherwise not get homes, and the people at the RSPCA are very helpful and can advise you on what's the best match is for your family and the dog.

    And even if you do choose carefully and educate both parties, there are no guarantees. There's never 100% predictability with any animal, including humans. Even if all the right things are in place, sometimes you just don't end up with the right match. However, there's a very good chance that you will end up with a great friend for your toddler, and a great pet, if you are careful.

  2. I am a mother of 3 kids, a wife, and a proud owner of 5 dogs and a cat. Yes my toddler has her own dog, as does the rest of the family!

  3. I have a two year old, and I did consider getting a puppy. But then I thought about it....there was no way I could handle taking care of my child while taking care of a puppy. The dog would need walked, bathed, fed, and attention. And housebreaking...oh Lord.

    So we're holding off until the little one is at least out of diapers for good. We'll go over things again at that time, and if we think it's time, we will get one.

    I do love the idea of having them grow up together, but in the long run I had to do what was best for me.

  4. I bought a dog when my youngest was 5 months old, my other 2 were 3 and 5. I regretted it. He would chew all my kids toys, steal their food, l**k his face and then, I couldn't let my kids outside without checking the back yard 20 times a day for dog poo! Then my youngest learnt to crawl and would just get outside through the doggy door! Too much!

    I loved the companionship and love the dog gave and received from my kids, but the cons far outweighed the pros. I know I will get many thumbs down, but it's just my opinion. Great idea at the time, but in reality not as such.

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