
Does your torso grow after your legs?

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I am 15 and 5'7 3/4. I have fairly long legs (for 5'7/5'8) but my dad says I have a small torso......I look in the mirror and I can't tell if I do or not....but does your legs grow first and then later in puberty your torso and chest? Also....I'm a late bloomer (so I was told during my physical when I was 12-13)




  1. Generally, yes.  What USUALLY happens is the legs and torso grow at the same time but the legs grow a lot more.  Then, after all the other changes from puberty happen, your spine grows.  This is after the legs stop growing and you have fully adult genitalia, body hair, etc.  

    This, however, does not apply to everyone.  It's what happens to most people but there are exceptions.  I am one (spine grew a lot when I was 12-13 and legs only grew a little bit after).  From what I've seen with different people, those who at  your age have legs so long that their body looks disproportionate, end up having a huge spurt that mostly takes place in the spine, making them much taller.

  2. your body grows all over in its own way. there is nothing to worry about has 21 is the age when you finish growing, whatever the outcome things will work themselves out.  

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