
Does your town/county offer curbside food waste collection?

by  |  earlier

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Please list the specific town/county/state or country. I already know Alameda county, California does this, and I believe NY city does as well.




  1. You mean along with other garbage and trash?  Yes.    

    We don't waste much food though.

    The market is a mile away from the gym.    We buy fresh food only for the next 3-4 days and supplement it, and we drink a lot of water.    We plan meals based on what we have - - - egg carton says there's a few days left, we hard boil them and that's tomorrow's breakfast.    If we have cheddar and onions, then it's omelettes.  If we have bread, maybe it's french toast.

  2. No, Hollywood MD doesn't offer this as far as i know

  3. I live in Roseville, Ca, Placer county and I guess the answer is sort of.

    We have a "state of the art" materials recovery facility. Our Solid Waste department claims the black garbage can is a recycle bin. Just throw away your recyclables and they will be pulled from the waste stream at the MRF. Unfortuanately, the diversion rate is only 40%, the project at maximum effectiveness they can achieve 60% diversion. We are still dumping 900-1000 tons of garbage into the landfill everyday.

    I think the message is misleading and that preventing recyclables from entering the waste stream is more effective. Unfortunately waste disposal and recycling are a profitable business and they have all but chased most recycle centers out of town. It is difficult to find recycle anythign but what you pay a redemption value for.

    Also not all curbside collection is created equal. I've heard of MRF's throwing away recyclables because the lids aren't off, or whole truck loads of paper, because a portion of it was contaminated with food.

  4. I live in the Peel Region it is just west of the Greater Toronto area in Canada.  Our municipality offers actualy tries to force people to seperate their food/biodegradable waste.  we have a 2 bag gabage limit per house but that doesn't not count towards your "green can" or blue box.  Our green can is lined with biodegradle waste bags which wee fill with raw and cooked food wast as well as things like napkins or tissues.  This is then taking to an industrial composte site and sold to offset some of the extra costs of this process.  We also have large paper bags for yadr waste pick up which is also composted and or mulched.

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