
Does your unsafe driving cause problems for me?

by  |  earlier

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I have notice Melanie!!!




  1. Only when you get in my way.

  2. Of course. Prick. Now's when i would give you the finger and T-bone your car.

  3. Nope, I speed, pop wheelies - I'm good, baby!  It's the slow drivers in the left lane who are responsible for all the problems;)

  4. Yeah, if you're driving around me and I cut you off or run into you or somethin.

  5. not until i get my drivers license


  6. Absolutely.  That's why I try to be very careful, and I hope you've noticed!

  7. Not mine Im a gooood DRIVER

  8. I dont drive unsafe so you must be talking about someone else.

  9. it could if we have an accident.


  10. Don't drive, I might be very dangerous for you.

  11. I believe not, I'm the "Best Driver in the World"

  12. if u r on the road with me i guess that would have a problem

  13. It depends where do you live.

  14. no but your unsafe driving does

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