
Does your younger kids eat chewing gum they find in the swimming baths?

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its my son who does it and when i try and take it off him he runs away shuting its my free gum not yours




  1. Yuk!!, mine never have - but my friends little girl did - once.

  2. Younsters ALWAYS pick up EVERYTHING they find and put it in their mouths. Just keep a close eye.

  3. not so young now but both chewed everything for awhile

  4. no! eeeew

  5. No, just yours.

  6. I really f*****g hope not!

  7. uggghhhh!no!!!

  8. My niece used to do that. She would pick up used gum from anywhere though. I remember yelling at her about it and telling her there were germs in it, but she just didn't care. She wanted gum. I think some kids see gum as such a treat that they can't override the impulse to grab what they see, regardless of previous use. As long as you take it from them, keep explaining the reasons not to do it and make sure they take a vitamin, they should be okay. Perhaps increasing their allowance of non-used gum will make used gum seem like less of a treat. I know it can be a pain if gum is misplaced, but sugar free gums are much healthier than what is found in wastebaskets or under benches.

    ETA: Perhaps it would help to talk to him about why it's not a good thing to eat the "free gum" when he doesn't have it and doesn't feel the need to protect it. I'm not sure how old your son is, but I've always talked to my daughter as though she were an adult. Based on your child's age and the way he's used to communicating, you can explain that there are tiny bugs called germs on the gum that can make him sick. Let him know that it's only on the gum that people have already chewed, not the wrapped gum, and that's why you don't want him having the "free gum." Remember that children don't always have the eww factor that we do. As he grows older, he'll know that this is something that is unacceptable, but for now you can work at prevention. Know that you're being a good parent by being aware of his behavior and expressing your concerns.

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