
Does your zodiac sign describe you well?

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Im a leo and Im supposed to be this in the spotlight performer type and ultra generous etc. I dont think it sounds like me. I kind of hang by the sides and let me influence be felt, not seen. I also am not extremely generous. And Im not on the cusp... not nearly!




  1. My sun sign alone does not describe me well.   However, my whole natal chart does.

  2. Yes. I'm a Capricorn and I can definately be serious and determined! :]

  3. Yeah, my sun sign does. And my moon sign.

    Not my Rising or Mercury though. The rest of my chart describes me very well though.

  4. I as born on the virgo/libra cusps and I am Sag rising. They are all in me :)

  5. You must have a couple of moons out of whack.

  6. I'm a Leo too and yes my zodiac sign describe me well, I love to be in the spotlight and have attention.

  7. my rising sign & moon sign describe myself more than my moon sign! :]

    im an aquarius w/ leo rising & pisces moon

  8. I am a Cancer, and I'm exactly what it describes! I'm shy, and "see people for who they really are". It might be incorrect in some parts, but that doesn't mean it is totally wrong. Maybe your just not getting your info. from a reliable source.

  9. YES!! I am very much a scorpio!!!  

  10. Get a birth chart for free... and you will understand why Leo doesn't fit you. My best friend is also a Leo and she's read the description of it and she immediately felt Astrology was bull but than I gave her a free natal chart and she was amazed by how accurate it was.

  11. No, my whole natal chart describes me well. The Sun descriptions I read alone are not always so accurate.

    Edit: s***w you people, giving me a TD for my honest answer. I'm sorry that you don't approve of my opinion.


  12. Mine describes me perfectly. I am a gemini! I am definitely two sided. I am very out going and talkative, but I have some serious moments of insecurity. I like being spontaneous, but sometimes I like making plans(normally they don't work out). I love being a gemini. I see the world from several angles!

  13. I was born under the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp and I have noticed the difference between my personalities. Sometimes I feel like I am two people, one of which is down-to-earth and likes to plan things and work hard and the other side that is lazy, but who is intelligent and creative. Whenever I am alone or with my closest friends my Sagittarius moon sign comes into the surface and I am laughing all the time and very blunt and, well, weird. People see me as what my Scorpio rising sign portrays though and so sometimes they're not to happy about meeting me.

    I don't know, I guess it all holds some truth here and there. Especially when it comes to my moon sign and and sun signs and rising sun sign.

  14. Every ones zodiac sign describes them perfectly. That's why God invented astrology! The question is: which one? We all have signs for each planet (Earth has no effect), The Sun, the moon and several asteroids such as Ceres. Each controls a different aspect of life, the moon sign has influence in all of them, the sun even greater. Due to this great influence a lot of people including me act similar to the Sun sign, but not exactly. Just because your sun sign doesn't match your personality doesn't mean astrology is any less factual. You might want to check your other signs.

  15. I'm an aries and i think mine describes me well i'm the ram and the lamb which means i can be the sweetest to one person and i can turn right around and be the biggest bee-och to some one else or you lol

  16. Well my sign describes me to a point, but once I add my rising and moon and other aspects of my chart I see the whole picture.

    If you got your chart done and knew your rising you may see why you're not a spotlight searcher! ;)

    I'm a Cancer w/ Sag. rising and Virgo moon  

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